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  • Public Speaking
Advanced Public Speaking
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In Exploring Public Speaking, especially in its second through fourth editions, we have attempted to create a usable, zero-cost textbook for basic public speaking courses or courses that include basic public speaking skills as one of their primary learning outcomes. The free, open nature of the text means that instructors are able to use all or part of it, and add their own materials.

We believe this text addresses all the subjects that traditional publishers’ books would address in an appropriate writing style and with appropriate college-level learning theory in mind. The appendices address some additional topics that might be excluded from most texts, but that we believe add to the experience: learning theory, plagiarism, speaking online, speaking to diverse audiences, and humor in public speaking. In the third and fourth editions we have added “case study” examples and some different outline samples.

We think this book is especially useful in coverage of PowerPoint, audience analysis and responsiveness, ethics in public speaking, persuasion, special occasion speeches, and structure of speeches. Because it was written by communication professors with decades of experience in the classroom, we are aware of the needs of basic public speaking students. Three ancillaries are currently available: electronic “flash cards” for study, PowerPoint slide decks on the 15 main chapters, and test banks for the 15 main chapters. As the website is developed, it will include videos of student speeches.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Barbara G. Tucker
Kris Barton
Date Added:
COM 101: Public Speaking
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course systematically examines the elements of an effective speech and goes through an element-by-element examination of the essentials of public speaking, while also identifying traits of the individual speaker and how they affect preparation and presentation. This course also demonstrates specific, performance-oriented aspects of public speaking. The themes of information and ethics tie these elements together and are emphasized in every part of the course because they are vitally important to all communicators.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Full Course
Saylor Academy
Date Added:
Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies overviews the time-tested conceptual foundations of the field, while incorporating the latest research and cutting-edge applications of these basics. Each chapter will include timely, concrete, and real-life examples of communication concepts in action.

A key feature of this book is the integration of content regarding diversity and organizational communication in each chapter through examples and/or discrete sub-sections. Discussions of diversity are not relegated to feature boxes. Also integrated into the content are examples that are inclusive in terms of race, gender, sexuality, ability, age, marital status, religion, and other diverse identity characteristics.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Date Added:
Ethical Use of Technology in Digital Learning Environments: Graduate Student Perspectives
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book is the result of a co-design project in a class in the Masters of Education program at the University of Calgary. The course, and the resulting book, focus primarily on the safe and ethical use of technology in digital learning environments. The course was organized according to four topics based on Farrow’s (2016) Framework for the Ethics of Open Education.This is the first of 2 Versions of this pressbook. Click on Volume 2 for information.

Long Description:
This book is the result of a co-design project in a class in the Masters of Education program at the University of Calgary. The course, and the resulting book, focus primarily on the safe and ethical use of technology in digital learning environments. The course was organized according to four topics based on Farrow’s (2016) Framework for the Ethics of Open Education. Students were asked to review, analyze, and synthesize each topic from three meta-ethical theoretical positions: deontological, consequentialist, and virtue ethical (Farrow, 2016). The chapters in this open educational resource (OER) were co-designed using a participatory pedagogy with the intention to share and mobilize knowledge with a broader audience. The first three chapters in the book discuss specific ethical considerations related to technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) , social networking services (SNS), and 3D printing. The next four chapters shift to a broader discussion of resource sharing, adaptive learning systems, STEM, and assistive technologies. The final two chapters discuss admissions and communications that need to be considered from an institutional perspective. In each of the nine chapters, the authors discuss the connection to the value of technology in education, and practical possibilities of learning technologies for inclusive, participatory, democratic, and pluralistic educational paradigms.

Word Count: 56853

ISBN: 0-88953-438-1

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Communication Studies
Computer Science
Creative and Applied Arts
Higher Education
Information Technology
Language, Philosophy, and Culture
Public Speaking
Special Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
University of Calgary
Barbara Brown
Christie Hurrell
Dean Parthenis
Emma Lockyer
Heather van Streun
Jeff Lowry
Jennifer Ansorger
Kourtney Kerr
Michele Jacobsen
Nicole Neutzling
Simo Zarkovic
Terri Marles
Verena Roberts
Date Added:
Exploring Public Speaking - 4th Ed.
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In Exploring Public Speaking, especially in its second through fourth editions, we have attempted to create a usable, zero-cost textbook for basic public speaking courses or courses that include basic public speaking skills as one of their primary learning outcomes. The free, open nature of the text means that instructors are able to use all or part of it, and add their own materials.

We believe this text addresses all the subjects that traditional publishers’ books would address in an appropriate writing style and with appropriate college-level learning theory in mind. The appendices address some additional topics that might be excluded from most texts, but that we believe add to the experience: learning theory, plagiarism, speaking online, speaking to diverse audiences, and humor in public speaking. In the third and fourth editions we have added “case study” examples and some different outline samples.

We think this book is especially useful in coverage of PowerPoint, audience analysis and responsiveness, ethics in public speaking, persuasion, special occasion speeches, and structure of speeches. Because it was written by communication professors with decades of experience in the classroom, we are aware of the needs of basic public speaking students. Three ancillaries are currently available: electronic “flash cards” for study, PowerPoint slide decks on the 15 main chapters, and test banks for the 15 main chapters. As the website is developed, it will include videos of student speeches.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Barbara G. Tucker
Kris Barton
Date Added:
Exploring Public Speaking: 4th Edition
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Exploring Public Speaking: The Free College Public Speaking Textbook began as the brainchild of Dr. Kris Barton, Chair of the Department of Communication at Dalton State College. It also was made possible through a generous Textbook Transformation Grant in 2015 from Affordable Learning Georgia, a highly successful program of the University System of Georgia. Dr. Barton asked me to help him author/compile the text.

The goal was to provide a high-quality, usable, accessible, and low-cost textbook for the hundreds of students who take COMM 1110 at Dalton State College every year. This course is required of all degree-seeking students. We have been able to save students hundreds of thousands of dollars already with this text. Unexpectedly and happily, the text has also been downloaded close to 14,000 times (as of August 2018) all over the world and has been adopted at many other institutions.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Amy Burger
Amy Mendes
Cathy Hunsicker
Jerry Drye
Kristin Barton
Matthew LeHew
Barbara Tucker
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Overview: Examines the principles and practices of public speaking, communication theory, and techniques for public speaking. Includes speech organization, development, research, audience analysis, reasoning, and presentation skills for the development of informative and persuasive speeches.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Public Speaking
Chapter 2: Ethics
Chapter 3: Speaking With Confidence
Chapter 4: Listening Effectively
Chapter 5: Audience Analysis
Chapter 6: Organizing and Outlining
Chapter 7: Introductions and Conclusions
Chapter 8: Delivering Your Speech
Chapter 9: Visual Aids
Chapter 10: Supporting Your Ideas
Chapter 11: Using Language Well
Chapter 12: Informative Speaking
Chapter 13: Critical Thinking & Reasoning
Chapter 14: Persuasive Speaking
Occasion Speaking

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Lauren Rome
Tammera Stokes Rice
Victoria Leonard
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Speech
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This Grants Collection uses the grant-supported open textbook Exploring Public Speaking from Dalton State College:


This Grants Collection for Fundamentals of Speech was created under a Round Three ALG Textbook Transformation Grant.

Affordable Learning Georgia Grants Collections are intended to provide faculty with the frameworks to quickly implement or revise the same materials as a Textbook Transformation Grants team, along with the aims and lessons learned from project teams during the implementation process.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Clint Kinkead
Jerry Drye
Kristin Barton
Melissa Whitesell
Sarah Min
Barbara Tucker
Date Added:
The Public Speaking Project
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

This website offers an assortment of virtual tools to help users improve their public speaking skills. A variety of speech professionals who are dedicated to providing free and low cost instructional materials contributed their original work. The project is growing and we will be adding and updating the content regularly. Please note this site is under construction - but we are working hard to add content as quickly as possible. If you find our website useful, please share it with others.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Lisa Schreiber
Date Added:
Public Speaking and Professional Presentations
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course instructs students in the basic communication skills required to compose and deliver effective public speeches and professional presentations. Students study, create, deliver, and evaluate various types of speeches, including impromptu, informative, persuasive, storytelling, and special occasion speeches as well as an “elevator pitch” designed to prepare them for future employment opportunities.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Jill Arabas
Date Added:
Speak Out, Call In: Public Speaking as Advocacy
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Speak Out, Call In: Public Speaking as Advocacy is a contemporary, interdisciplinary public speaking textbook that fuses rhetoric, critical/cultural studies, and performance to offer an up-to-date resource for students. With a focus on advocacy, this textbook invites students to consider public speaking as a political, purposeful form of information-sharing.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Meggie Mapes
Date Added:
Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

From audience analysis to giving a presentation, Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking will guide students through the speech-making process. We believe that it is important to focus on the practical process of speech making because we want this book to be a user-friendly guide to creating, researching, and presenting public speeches. While both classic and current academic research in public speaking will guide the book, we do not want to lose the focus of helping students become more seasoned and polished public speakers. We believe that a new textbook in public speaking should first, and foremost, be a practical book that helps students prepare and deliver a variety of different types of speeches.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
No attribution at request of authors
Date Added:
Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking features two key themes. First it focuses on helping students become more seasoned and polished public speakers, and second is its emphasis on ethics in communication. It is this practical approach and integrated ethical coverage that setsStand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speakingapart from the other texts in this market.

Communication Studies
Public Speaking
Material Type:
University of Minnesota Open Textbooks
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Date Added:
Trends in Digital & Social Media (V17)
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Social media, digital devices, and networked communication systems have become fully integrated into our everyday living experience. This e-book touches upon the human experience of contemporary trends that affect how we perceive ourselves, others, and society.

Long Description:
Authored as a companion to COMM601 Trends in Digital & Social Media, Granite State College (USNH), Concord, NH.

Word Count: 25859

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Communication Studies
Computer Science
English Language Arts
Government/Political Science
Government/Political Science and Law
Information Technology
Public Speaking
Material Type:
by Steve Covello - Granite State College (USNH)
Date Added:
Unit 10: Persuasive Speaking
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In this unit, we will explore persuasive speaking. We will begin to understand the basics of persuasive speaking and put those learning objectives into action as you begin developing your first of two persuasive speeches for this course. Unit Learning OutcomesAt the conclusion of the unit, the learner will be able to:Construct a persuasive presentation based on a persuasive organizational pattern. Explain the structure of a sample persuasive outline. Model strategies to persuade audiences. 

English Language Arts
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Wade Cornelius
Date Added:
Unit 1: Introduction to Public Speaking
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Public speaking is an essential skill for both one's professional and personal life. The communication foundations for public speaking can also enhance interactions with others on an interpersonal level. In short, if you can communicate well then every moment you spend with others can be that much more valuable and if you're in business it can be profitable. This course seeks to help you improve your public speaking skill set. Unit 1 provides an overview and the foundations of communication and introduces 11 tenets of public speaking. In this unit you will:Read Chapter 1: Introduction to Public SpeakingComplete the Chapter 1 Assessment Watch the Ted Talk and Respond to the QuestionsReflect on the Public Speaking Discussion Post  

English Language Arts
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Wade Cornelius
Date Added:
Unit 2: Effective Listening
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Public speaking requires an audience to hear. Otherwise, it’s private speaking, and anyone overhearing you might wonder if you’ve lost your wits. What makes public speaking truly effective is when the audience hears and listens. You might think the two are synonymous. But they aren't, as you will soon understand. In a classic listening text, Adler notes, “How utterly amazing is the general assumption that the ability to listen well is a natural gift for which no training is required.” Since listening requires great effort, this chapter offers the skills needed to listen effectively.Developing your listening skills can have applications throughout your educational, personal, and professional lives.In this unit you will:1. Read about your role as a listener2. Reflect on sound expert Julian Treasure's explanations on listening. 3. Complete a personal listening inventory and discuss your findings.

English Language Arts
Public Speaking
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Wade Cornelius
Date Added: