Digital Instruction

Discover a diverse range of digital instruction resources
designed to empower educators with a wealth of
knowledge and insights about online teaching.


Welcome to the Digital Learning Hub, dedicated exclusively to the world of digital learning. Its mission is to aggregate, curate, and disseminate high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER) related to digital learning, instructional technology, and e-learning methodologies. It is a one-stop destination for educators, instructional designers, and anyone interested in harnessing the power of digital technology for education.

To explore the hub, begin with these resources:

  1. Quick Reference Guide
  2. An Instructional Guide designed to help educators navigate the Digital Instruction Hub on OERTX and discover how to incorporate Open Educational Resources (OER) into their courses to foster interactive and inclusive learning experiences.
  3. View this instructional video for more assistance:
    OERTX Digital Instruction Video Guide

Institutional Collaborators

SHSU Online logo

Digital Instruction Hub resources were created, curated, and organized by digital instruction experts at Sam Houston State University Online.