I designed the course for graduate students who use statistics in their …
I designed the course for graduate students who use statistics in their research, plan to use statistics, or need to interpret statistical analyses performed by others. The primary audience are graduate students in the environmental sciences, but the course should benefit just about anyone who is in graduate school in the natural sciences. The course is not designed for those who want a simple overview of statistics; well learn by analyzing real data. This course or equivalent is required for UMB Biology and EEOS Ph.D. students. It is a recommended course for several of the intercampus graduate school of marine science program options.
During the early days of quarantine, many teachers turned to poetry to …
During the early days of quarantine, many teachers turned to poetry to process their experiences. Teacher-Poets Writing to Bridge the Distance: An Oral History of COVID-19 preserves this poetry and teachers' experiences as they navigated a new reality in education.
By Angela Lukowski and Helen Milojevich, University of Calfornia, Irvine. What do infants know about the world …
By Angela Lukowski and Helen Milojevich, University of Calfornia, Irvine. What do infants know about the world in which they live – and how do they grow and change with age? These are the kinds of questions answered by developmental scientists. This module describes different research techniques that are used to study psychological phenomena in infants and children, research designs that are used to examine age-related changes in development, and unique challenges and special issues associated with conducting research with infants and children. Child development is a fascinating field of study, and many interesting questions remain to be examined by future generations of developmental scientists – maybe you will be among them!
By Rajiv Jhangiani, Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Social psychologists are interested in the ways that other …
By Rajiv Jhangiani, Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Social psychologists are interested in the ways that other people affect thought, emotion, and behavior. To explore these concepts requires special research methods. Following a brief overview of traditional research designs, this module introduces how complex experimental designs, field experiments, naturalistic observation, experience sampling techniques, survey research, subtle and nonconscious techniques such as priming, and archival research and the use of big data may each be adapted to address social psychological questions. This module also discusses the importance of obtaining a representative sample along with some ethical considerations that social psychologists face.
Choosing & Using Sources presents a process for academic research and writing, …
Choosing & Using Sources presents a process for academic research and writing, from formulating your research question to selecting good information and using it effectively in your research assignments. Additional chapters cover understanding types of sources, searching for information, and avoiding plagiarism. Each chapter includes self-quizzes and activities to reinforce core concepts and help you apply them. There are also appendices for quick reference on search tools, copyright basics, and fair use.
Le but de ce manuel est de vous donner les connaissances de …
Le but de ce manuel est de vous donner les connaissances de base nécessaires pour commencer à rechercher des informations en utilisant le catalogue et les bases de données de la bibliothèque de l’Université d’Alberta. Le manuel contient des instructions étape par étape, des vidéos et des exemples en sciences humaines et sociales. Pour atteindre les objectifs prévus, il vous faudra passer au moins une heure et demie à lire les instructions du didacticiel, répondre aux questions des exercices et revoir les exemples chaque fois que cela sera nécessaire.
This textbook was created to provide an introduction to research methods for …
This textbook was created to provide an introduction to research methods for BSW and MSW students, with particular emphasis on research and practice relevant to students at the University of Texas at Arlington. It provides an introduction to social work students to help evaluate research for evidence-based practice and design social work research projects. It can be used with its companion, A Guidebook for Social Work Literature Reviews and Research Questions by Rebecca L. Mauldin and Matthew DeCarlo, or as a stand-alone textbook.
This short guidebook provides information about selecting a research topic and research …
This short guidebook provides information about selecting a research topic and research questions, searching for literature, reading and understanding scholarly writing, and writing a literature review to synthesize what is known and what remains to be learned about a social problem. For students who appreciate the availability of resources on the internet, it also provides links to additional materials. It can be used with its companion textbook, Foundations of Social Work Research by Rebecca L. Mauldin and Matthew DeCarlo, or as a stand-alone guide.
A guide to the historical profession appropriate for use in an undergraduate …
A guide to the historical profession appropriate for use in an undergraduate Historical Methods course. The goal for this book is that those who read it will learn how to do well in history courses by developing the ability to read, research, and write according to the standards established in our discipline. Becoming familiar with how historians customarily approach questions about the past–as well as learning to how to read critically, research efficiently, build strong arguments based on evidence, and write with clarity–are the lessons that will give history students not only a leg-up in their history courses, but provide important, marketable skills useful in other courses and in many careers (some of which are highlighted within the text). The main lesson gained from reading this book is that within the professional discipline of history there are standards for research and writing about the past.
This course is designed to provide both undergraduate and graduate students with …
This course is designed to provide both undergraduate and graduate students with a fundamental understanding of human factors that must be taken into account in the design and engineering of complex aviation and space systems. The primary focus is the derivation of human engineering design criteria from sensory, motor, and cognitive sources to include principles of displays, controls and ergonomics, manual control, the nature of human error, basic experimental design, and human-computer interaction in supervisory control settings. Undergraduate students will demonstrate proficiency through aviation accident case presentations, quizzes, homework assignments, and hands-on projects. Graduate students will complete all the undergraduate assignments; however, they are expected to complete a research-oriented project with a final written report and an oral presentation.
Introduction to Political Science Research Methods, 1st edition, is an Open Education …
Introduction to Political Science Research Methods, 1st edition, is an Open Education Resource Textbook that surveys the research methods employed in political science. The textbook includes chapters that cover: history and development of the empirical study of politics; the scientific method; theories, hypotheses, variables, and units; conceptualization, operationalization and measurement of political concepts; elements of research design including the logic of sampling; qualitative and quantitative research methods and means of analysis; and research ethics.
Authors: - Josh Franco, Cuyamaca College - Charlotte Lee, Berkeley City College - Kau Vue, Fresno City College - Dino Bozonelos, Victor Valley College - Masa Omae, San Diego City College - Steven Cauchon, Imperial Valley College
This textbook, written in an approachable style, provides a broad overview of …
This textbook, written in an approachable style, provides a broad overview of research methods utilized in sociology. It will be of particular value for students who are new to research methods. The textbook is divided into 17 chapters, which lead the student from the most basic of concepts, such as “What is research?” through the various stages of planning for a research project.
Core subject for students majoring in management science. Surveys individual and social …
Core subject for students majoring in management science. Surveys individual and social psychology and organization theory interpreted in the context of the managerial environment. Laboratory involves projects of an applied nature in behavioral science. Emphasizes use of behavioral science research methods to test hypotheses concerning organizational behavior. Instruction and practice in communication include report writing, team decision-making, and oral and visual presentation.
Purpose: You’ve learned about different research methods, and you’ve been introduced to …
Purpose: You’ve learned about different research methods, and you’ve been introduced to experiments and correlations. Students often have a very difficult time understanding experiments and correlations and often confuse aspects of them. The purpose of this project is to help you to understand experiments and correlations, and to learn the difference between them. Doing this project in pairs would be great! It will probably make you less likely to fall into this experiment-correlation confusion.
Psychology is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester …
Psychology is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.Senior Contributing AuthorsRose M. Spielman, Formerly of Quinnipiac UniversityContributing AuthorsKathryn Dumper, Bainbridge State CollegeWilliam Jenkins, Mercer UniversityArlene Lacombe, Saint Joseph's UniversityMarilyn Lovett, Livingstone CollegeMarion Perlmutter, University of Michigan
By the end of this section, you will be able to:Describe the …
By the end of this section, you will be able to:Describe the different research methods used by psychologistsDiscuss the strengths and weaknesses of case studies, naturalistic observation, surveys, and archival researchCompare longitudinal and cross-sectional approaches to research
The first chapter provides an overview of the textbook and reviews the …
The first chapter provides an overview of the textbook and reviews the history of psychology and its methodology. Psychology is described as a science studying how hereditary (nature) and experiential (nurture) variables interact to influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals. The remainder of the text will be organized in sections entitled “Mostly Nature” (Biological Psychology; Sensation & Perception; Motivation & Emotion), “Mostly Nurture” (Direct Learning; Indirect Learning (i.e., observational learning and language); Cognition), and “Nature/Nurture” (Human Development; Personality; Social Psychology; Maladaptive Behavior; Professional Psychology and Human Potential).
Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration for …
Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration for Undergraduates: 1st Edition With Applications in Excel is an adaption of Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration (With Applications in R). The focus of this book is on using quantitative research methods to test hypotheses and build theory in political science, public policy and public administration. This new version is designed specifically for undergraduate courses. It omits large portions of the original text that focused on calculus and linear algebra, expands and reorganizes the content on the software system by shifting to Excel and includes guided study questions at the end of each chapter.
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