This lab manual provides students with the theory, practical applications, objectives, and …
This lab manual provides students with the theory, practical applications, objectives, and laboratory procedure of ten experiments. The manual also includes educational videos showing how student should run each experiment and a workbook for organizing data collected in the lab and preparing result tables and charts.
This book provides an updated look at issues that comprise the online …
This book provides an updated look at issues that comprise the online learning experience creation process. As online learning evolves, the lines and distinctions between various classifications of courses has blurred and often vanished. Classic elements of instructional design remain relevant at the same time that newer concepts of learning experience are growing in importance. However, problematic issues new and old still have to be addressed. This handbook explores many of these topics for new and experienced designers alike, whether creating traditional online courses, open learning experiences, or anything in between.
Español práctico: introducción al estudio de la lengua española es un Recurso …
Español práctico: introducción al estudio de la lengua española es un Recurso Educativo Abierto (REA) que explora la historia, la estructura y la diversidad de la lengua española. El libro consiste en una introducción al estudio del español como sistema lingüístico. Incluye temas como el desarrollo del español como lengua global (capítulo 1), los sonidos y la ortografía de la lengua (capítulo 2), la estructura de las palabras (capítulo 3), la estructura de las oraciones (capítulo 4), la variación (capítulo 5) y el contacto del español con otras lenguas (capítulo 6).
This textbook was created to provide an introduction to research methods for …
This textbook was created to provide an introduction to research methods for BSW and MSW students, with particular emphasis on research and practice relevant to students at the University of Texas at Arlington. It provides an introduction to social work students to help evaluate research for evidence-based practice and design social work research projects. It can be used with its companion, A Guidebook for Social Work Literature Reviews and Research Questions by Rebecca L. Mauldin and Matthew DeCarlo, or as a stand-alone textbook.
This short guidebook provides information about selecting a research topic and research …
This short guidebook provides information about selecting a research topic and research questions, searching for literature, reading and understanding scholarly writing, and writing a literature review to synthesize what is known and what remains to be learned about a social problem. For students who appreciate the availability of resources on the internet, it also provides links to additional materials. It can be used with its companion textbook, Foundations of Social Work Research by Rebecca L. Mauldin and Matthew DeCarlo, or as a stand-alone guide.
This is a lab manual for a college-level human anatomy course. Mastery …
This is a lab manual for a college-level human anatomy course. Mastery of anatomy requires a fair amount of memorization and recall skills. The activities in this manual encourage students to engage with new vocabulary in many ways, including grouping key terms, matching terms to structures, recalling definitions, and written exercises. Most of the activities in this manual utilize anatomical models, and several dissections of animal tissues and histological examinations are also included. Each unit includes both pre- and post-lab questions and six lab exercises designed for a classroom where students move from station to station. The vocabulary terms used in each unit are listed at the end of the manual and serve as a checklist for practicals.
Introduction to Archaeology: A Workbook, is designed to assist students in the …
Introduction to Archaeology: A Workbook, is designed to assist students in the Introduction to Archaeology course in the Anthropology department at the University of Texas Arlington. The course is part of the core curriculum. This workbook is designed to challenge the student and reinforce what is learned in the classroom lectures.
This book was created for an undergraduate Introduction to Industrial Engineering course …
This book was created for an undergraduate Introduction to Industrial Engineering course at The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). The chapters give an overview of the profession and an introduction to some of the tools used by industrial engineers in industry. There are interactive content exercises included at the end of most chapters. This interactive content aims to engage students in the content as they are reading. The book will continue to revised and updated with new information as it becomes necessary. More interactive content will be added to the end of each chapter in future versions of the book.
This textbook is for advanced Spanish composition students. The textbook includes topics …
This textbook is for advanced Spanish composition students. The textbook includes topics on grammar and syntax, as well as exercises and readings providing the students a more personalized and effective learning experience adjusted to the specific challenges they encounter in today’s global world.
Student Success and First Year Experience are learning community courses at UTA …
Student Success and First Year Experience are learning community courses at UTA that teach new students academic success skills to aid their transition to college. The goal of the courses is to help students identify their individual needs, determine what resources are appropriate, recognize the faculty role in their development, and formulate a plan for an actively engaged and enriched experience from campus to career. The courses will be taught by Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) and faculty, staff and/or graduate students to provide guidance, raise awareness and understanding of students' majors and help support collaborative and co-curricular opportunities available within the School/College. This open educational resource is the required textbook for both courses.
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