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Accessibility Toolkit – 2nd Edition – Open Textbook

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The goal of this accessibility toolkit, 2nd edition, is to provide resources for each content creator, instructional designer, educational technologist, librarian, administrator, and teaching assistant to create a truly open textbook—one that is free and accessible for all students. This is a collaboration between BCcampus, Camosun College, and CAPER-BC.

Material Type: Full Course

Authors: Amanda Coolidge, Josie Gray, Sue Doner, Tara Robertson

SLIDE Practices for Creating Accessible Documents

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If you are new to accessibility, this resource is meant to be your entry point into the creation of accessible content with familiar tools such as Microsoft Office and Google Docs. You will learn about five practices (captured in the mnemonic SLIDE) that can have a significant impact on the learner experience for all students, especially those who rely on assistive technology for their access to the curriculum. Each of the practices is described in more detail in a playlist of closed-captioned videos with step-by-step directions you can follow at your own pace. Pause the videos, try things out, and reach out to staff at the National AEM Center at CAST if you have any questions. While the practices are explained in the context of creating an accessible document, with one exception (Styles) the techniques apply to slide decks as well.

Material Type: Reading

Author: National Center on Accessible Educational Materials at CAST

The UDL Guidelines

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The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. Learn more about the Universal Design for Learning framework from CAST. The UDL Guidelines can be used by educators, curriculum developers, researchers, parents, and anyone else who wants to implement the UDL framework in a learning environment. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.

Material Type: Reading

Author: CAST

POUR Principles: Vetting for Accessibility

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Accessibility guidelines can be confusing. The POUR principles of Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust can help. Each principle represents standards and guidelines for ensuring accessibility in digital materials and technologies. If you're acquiring or procuring materials and technologies for your classroom, district, or state, there are questions you can ask to make sure all students can use the materials selected.

Material Type: Reading

Author: CAST

Angiosperm Seed Anatomy Lab

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This OER is a quick, hands-on lab that helps students explore the anatomy and function of angiosperm seeds. Topics such as seed anatomy and function, seed dormancy, and seed germination are addressed in this lab. This lab is intended to be used as instructional materials for biology teachers.Within this resource are instructions on required lab materials,an introduction to seed anatomy and function, an explanation of seed dormancy and germination, a seed diagram to label, and student exercises to assist in content mastery.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Homework/Assignment

Author: Scarlet Estlack


The Life Cycle of Mosses (Byrophytes) Lab

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This OER is a quick, hands-on lab that helps students explore the alternation of generations life cycle found in plants. Specifically, this lab explores the life cycle of bryophtyes. The plant strutures and the functions of those structures are discussed in the lab. This lab is intended to be used as instructional materials for biology teachers.Within this resource are required lab materials,an introduction to to mosses and their life cycle, an explanation of the life cyels, a moss life cycle diagram to label, and student exercises to assist in content mastery.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Diagram/Illustration, Homework/Assignment, Student Guide

Author: Scarlet Estlack

Teach the Earth Portal

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The Teach the Earth Portal has hundreds of high school through higher ed geoscience educator shared content ranging from low stakes to high stakes undergraduate core level to graduate level resources. More recently, have also added virtual field experiences appropriate for core course to upper division field camp (in response to pandemic necessity for Summer 2020 Field Camp revisioning). Many of the contributions are from members or partners with the National Association for Geoscience Teachers. There is an ongoing review process by professional peers to vet content submitted / aggregated into this portal during the past several decades.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Case Study, Data Set, Diagram/Illustration, Full Course, Game, Homework/Assignment, Interactive, Lecture, Lecture Notes, Lesson, Module, Primary Source, Reading, Simulation, Student Guide, Syllabus, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Textbook, Unit of Study

Author: Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College

Inanimate Life

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Inanimate Life is an open textbook covering a very traditional biological topic, botany, in a non-traditional way. Rather than a phylogenetic approach, going group by group, the book considers what defines organisms and examines four general areas of their biology: structure (their composition and how it comes to be), reproduction (including sex), energy and material needs, and their interactions with conditions and with other organisms. Although much of the text is devoted to vascular plants, the book comparatively considers ‘EBA = everything but animals’ (hence the title): plants, photosynthetic organisms that are not plants (‘algae’, as well as some bacteria and archaebacteria), fungi, and ‘fungal-like’ organisms. The book includes brief ‘fact sheets’ of over fifty organisms/groups that biologists should be aware of, ranging from the very familiar (corn, yeast) to the unfamiliar (bracket fungi, late-blight of potato). These groups reflect the diversity of inanimate life.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: George M. Briggs

Applications of Plant Pathology in Genebank Collections

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The eBook “Applications of Plant Pathology in Genebank Collections” was developed in part by USDA-ARS and by grant 2020-70003-30930 from the USDA-NIFA-Higher Education Challenge Grant Program. Additional chapters will be added to this eBook when they are available. This eBook contains chapters that can be accessed in any order. Click on “Contents” in the upper left corner and then expand “Main Body” to access chapter titles; scrolling may be necessary to view all chapter titles. Chapters can also be navigated by using arrows at the bottom of each page. Each chapter has text, video and/or interactive content on a single page.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Gayle Volk


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Biology is designed for multi-semester biology courses for science majors. It is grounded on an evolutionary basis and includes exciting features that highlight careers in the biological sciences and everyday applications of the concepts at hand. To meet the needs of today’s instructors and students, some content has been strategically condensed while maintaining the overall scope and coverage of traditional texts for this course. Instructors can customize the book, adapting it to the approach that works best in their classroom. Biology also includes an innovative art program that incorporates critical thinking and clicker questions to help students understand—and apply—key concepts.

Material Type: Full Course

Assessing Visual Materials for Diversity & Inclusivity

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This resource is a modification of the Washington Models for the Evaluation of Bias Content in Instructional Materials (2009) that is made available through OER Commons under a public domain license. This resource attempts to both update the content with more contemporary vocabulary and also to narrow the scope to evaluating still images as they are found online. It was developed as a secondary project while working on a BranchED OER grant during summer 2020. It includes an attached rubric adapted from the Washington Model (2009).

Material Type: Assessment, Diagram/Illustration, Lesson, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Kimberly Grotewold

Introduction to Design Equity – Open Textbook

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Why do affluent, liberal, and design-rich cities like Minneapolis have some of the biggest racial disparities in the country? How can designers help to create more equitable communities? Introduction to Design Equity, an open access book for students and professionals, maps design processes and products against equity research to highlight the pitfalls and potentials of design as a tool for building social justice.

Material Type: Full Course, Textbook

Author: Kristine Miller

Open Pedagogy Approaches: Faculty, Library, and Student Collaborations

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The entire spirit of this book project reflects the editors’ shared belief in the power of an open and inclusive community, of learning, and of collaboration toward innovation. From the outset, the editors knew that this book would be an open project in its own right. It had to be published openly (to practice what we preach), and it would serve as an opportunity to learn the process of creating an open book from start to finish, including, for example, developing review criteria that would ensure rigor, diversity, inclusion, and ingenuity while drawing from the open community to involve both novice and expert OP practitioners both as authors and readers.

Material Type: Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Textbook

Authors: Alexis Clifton, Kimberly Davies Hoffman