University of Texas at Austin
OER created by University of Texas at Austin.
An Interactive Course on Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation.
Pitch Perfect Pinyin is a two-part interactive website for learning Pinyin pronunciation.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Interactive
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Wen-Hua Teng
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
A compilation of nearly 350 brief video clips, together with a complete Portuguese transcription and English translation of native speakers of Portuguese from various locations throughout Brazil (and some Portugal) who talk about 80 different topics.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Lesson
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Orlando Kelm
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
Selection of aural Italian grammar lessons (podcasts). Grammar examples and dialogs are built upon the escapades of Arlecchino, Pulcinella, and other masks of the Italian Commedia dell'arte. Lessons feature topical grammar discussions, dramatic readings, pdf grammar notes ... and general audio zaniness.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Homework/Assignment
- Lecture
- Reading
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Del Fattore-Olson, Antonella
- Edwards, Eric
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
Reality Czech is a next generation openly licensed Czech textbook and curriculum currently under development by Dr. Christian Hilchey from the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies in collaboration with the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) at the University of Texas at Austin. Currently, a series of videos are available on the website.
Eventually, all materials will be freely available online under a Creative Commons license to any university or individuals who wish to use or adapt them:
- In-class Activity Book
- Online Grammar and Cultural Units
- Printable Homework Exercises
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Full Course
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Christian Hilchey
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
COERLL has partnered with Rose Potter and Betsy Arnold to publish Recorridos-Don Quijote, a pair of openly-licensed books for the study of Cervantes’ Don Quijote in upper level Spanish courses, including AP. The student workbook, accessible online for free, deepens students’ understanding of the text through reading, pre-reading, and post-reading activities and glosses. The companion teacher support facilitates the teaching of Don Quijote through student-centered strategies and activities, historical and cultural information, quizzes, exams and more.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Assessment
- Homework/Assignment
- Reading
- Textbook
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Betsy Arnold
- Rose Potter
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
COERLL has partnered with Rose Potter and Betsy Arnold to publish Recorridos-Don Quijote, a pair of openly-licensed books for the study of Cervantes’ Don Quijote in upper level Spanish courses, including AP. The student workbook, accessible online for free, deepens students’ understanding of the text through reading, pre-reading, and post-reading activities and glosses. The companion teacher support facilitates the teaching of Don Quijote through student-centered strategies and activities, historical and cultural information, quizzes, exams and more.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Assessment
- Homework/Assignment
- Reading
- Textbook
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Betsy Arnold
- Rose Potter
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
Rockin Russian is designed to give students exposure to the Russian language and culture through the medium of Russian music videos. Students are able to perfect their grammar while rocking out to music videos from Russia's pop stars. Based on Russian music videos from MTV Russia, Rockin' Russian is supplemented with exercise materials focusing on pronunciation, vocabulary development, grammar and cultural features. Parts of the videos are embedded into exercises in each category that students can revisit, strengthening their language skills.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Assessment
- Homework/Assignment
- Syllabus
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Garza, Thomas J.
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
These videos from COERLL's annual Heritage Spanish workshop address different topics in heritage teaching such as:
- Heritage language program development
- Open educational resources for heritage Spanish
- Basic sociolinguistic concepts for the Heritage Spanish classroom
- Spanish HL Learning and Teaching
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Teaching/Learning Strategy
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
A compilation of brief video clips in which native speakers of Spanish from various locations throughout Latin America and Spain demonstrate various language tasks.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Homework/Assignment
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Kelm, Orlando
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
The purpose of these materials is to help future public school teachers of Spanish in their assessment of learners' levels of proficiency. These materials not only present videos of learners interacting with an interlocutor, but also direct the viewer to notice features about the learners' language and proficiency levels. The website also presents information on proficiency levels to help the viewer develop a greater awareness of differences in learner language.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Assessment
- Homework/Assignment
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Koike, Dale
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
The SpinTX video archive provides a convenient web interface to search hundreds of short video clips from the Spanish in Texas Corpus. The collection includes hundreds of video clips culled from interviews of native and heritage speakers of Spanish living in Texas. Each video is accompanied by synchronized closed captions and a transcript that has been annotated with thematic, grammatical, functional and metalinguistic information. All materials available on the site can be freely used, copied, and distributed under a Creative Commons license.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Lesson
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
- Barbara E. Bullock
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
An online pedagogical reference grammar of the French language that combines authoritative grammar explanations, self-correcting exercises and online audio with surreal dialogues and cartoon images.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Assessment
- Homework/Assignment
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Blyth, Carl
- Guilloteau, Nancy
- Kelton, Karen
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
Tá Falado includes 46 podcast lessons on the pronunciation and grammar of Portuguese, specifically designed to help those who already speak Spanish. The lessons are built around Portuguese dialogs that are repeated in Spanish, providing a direct comparison of the two languages. All lessons include downloadable PDF files with the transcripts and notes, mp3 audio files, and blog discussions. Additionally all of the dialogs present cultural scenarios that illustrate differences between North American and Brazilian culture.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Homework/Assignment
- Lecture
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Kelm
- Orlando
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
Yoruba Y Mi is an interactive, communicative, introductory, multimedia program intended to provide college/university students with basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of language learning in Yoruba. It exposes the learner not only to Yoruba language in meaningful situations but also to the culture of the Yorb-speaking people of South-western Nigeria. It contains effective techniques for teaching and learning Yorb including tones, and is user-friendly in its approach.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Lecture
- Textbook
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Fehintola
- Mosadomi
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
eComma is a social reading tool teachers can install in their Learning Management System (LMS). It allows students and teachers to read and annotate texts together, pooling their knowledge and perspectives for a deeper understanding and analysis of what they are reading. The eComma website linked here explains how to explain the tool in an LMS and has a user guide and case studies with ideas for how to use it in a class.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Case Study
- Interactive
- Reading
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Author:
- Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL)
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020
ضيوفنا الكرام،
أهلاً وسهلاً ومرحباً بكم في موقع “تدريس” الذي يهدف إلى خدمة أساتذة اللغة العربية كلغة أجنبية/ثانية. ندعوكم إلى تصفّح أقسام الوقع ووحداته آملين أن تجدوا فيها ما قد يفيدكم في تجربتكم التعليمية. ونأمل كذلك أن تفكروا في الإسهام بوحدات دراسية تُضاف إلى هذا الموقع لأنه يمثل محاولة متواضعة لن تكتمل إلا بمشاركة الكثيرين منا. نرجو منكم الاتصال بنا إن كانت لديكم أي أسئلة أو اقتراحات ونشكركم على زيارتكم.
- Subject:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Languages
- Material Type:
- Textbook
- Provider:
- University of Texas at Austin
- Provider Set:
- Date Added:
- 08/13/2020