This research-oriented course will focus on algebraic and computational techniques for optimization …
This research-oriented course will focus on algebraic and computational techniques for optimization problems involving polynomial equations and inequalities with particular emphasis on the connections with semidefinite optimization. The course will develop in a parallel fashion several algebraic and numerical approaches to polynomial systems, with a view towards methods that simultaneously incorporate both elements. We will study both the complex and real cases, developing techniques of general applicability, and stressing convexity-based ideas, complexity results, and efficient implementations. Although we will use examples from several engineering areas, particular emphasis will be given to those arising from systems and control applications.
This lesson centers around the How AI Works: Equal Access and Algorithmic …
This lesson centers around the How AI Works: Equal Access and Algorithmic Bias video from the How AI Works video series. Watch this video first before exploring the lesson plan.
In this lesson, students will practice cropping images to uncover the bias underlying the Twitter cropping algorithm. Then, students will read and watch a video about the discovery of this biased algorithm. Finally, students will discuss ways to recognize and reduce bias along with analyzing Twitter's response to the allegations of bias in their cropping algorithm.
This lesson can be taught on its own, or as part of a 7-lesson sequence on How AI Works. Duration: 45 minutes
Analysis I covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: metric spaces, convergence of sequences …
Analysis I covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: metric spaces, convergence of sequences and series, continuity, differentiability, Riemann integral, sequences and series of functions, uniformity, interchange of limit operations.
Continues 18.100, in the direction of manifolds and global analysis. Differentiable maps, …
Continues 18.100, in the direction of manifolds and global analysis. Differentiable maps, inverse and implicit function theorems, n-dimensional Riemann integral, change of variables in multiple integrals, manifolds, differential forms, n-dimensional version of Stokes' theorem. 18.901 helpful but not required.
Applied Calculus instructs students in the differential and integral calculus of elementary …
Applied Calculus instructs students in the differential and integral calculus of elementary functions with an emphasis on applications to business, social and life science. Different from a traditional calculus course for engineering, science and math majors, this course does not use trigonometry, nor does it focus on mathematical proofs as an instructional method.
An openly licensed applied calculus textbook, covering derivatives, integrals, and an intro …
An openly licensed applied calculus textbook, covering derivatives, integrals, and an intro to multivariable calculus. This book is heavily remixed from Dale Hoffman's Contemporary Calculus textbook, and retains the same conceptual focus from that text.
Applied Combinatorics is an open-source textbook for a course covering the fundamental …
Applied Combinatorics is an open-source textbook for a course covering the fundamental enumeration techniques (permutations, combinations, subsets, pigeon hole principle), recursion and mathematical induction, more advanced enumeration techniques (inclusion-exclusion, generating functions, recurrence relations, Polyá theory), discrete structures (graphs, digraphs, posets, interval orders), and discrete optimization (minimum weight spanning trees, shortest paths, network flows). There are also chapters introducing discrete probability, Ramsey theory, combinatorial applications of network flows, and a few other nuggets of discrete mathematics. Applied Combinatorics began its life as a set of course notes we developed when Mitch was a TA for a larger than usual section of Tom’s MATH 3012: Applied Combinatorics course at Georgia Tech in Spring Semester 2006. Since then, the material has been greatly expanded and exercises have been added. The text has been in use for most MATH 3012 sections at Georgia Tech for several years now. Since the text has been available online for free, it has also been adopted at a number of other institutions for a wide variety of courses. In August 2016, we made the first release of Applied Combinatorics in HTML format, thanks to a conversion of the book’s source from LaTeX to MathBook XML. An inexpensive print-on-demand version is also available for purchase. Find out all about ways to get the book.
Since Fall 2016, Applied Combinatorics has been on the list of approved open textbooks from the American Institute of Mathematics.
The wide range of examples in the text are meant to augment …
The wide range of examples in the text are meant to augment the "favorite examples" that most instructors have for teaching the topcs in discrete mathematics.
To provide diagnostic help and encouragement, we have included solutions and/or hints to the odd-numbered exercises. These solutions include detailed answers whenever warranted and complete proofs, not just terse outlines of proofs.
Our use of standard terminology and notation makes Applied Discrete Structures a valuable reference book for future courses. Although many advanced books have a short review of elementary topics, they cannot be complete.
The text is divided into lecture-length sections, facilitating the organization of an instructor's presentation.Topics are presented in such a way that students' understanding can be monitored through thought-provoking exercises. The exercises require an understanding of the topics and how they are interrelated, not just a familiarity with the key words.
An Instructor's Guide is available to any instructor who uses the text.
Laszlo Tisza was Professor of Physics Emeritus at MIT, where he began …
Laszlo Tisza was Professor of Physics Emeritus at MIT, where he began teaching in 1941. This online publication is a reproduction the original lecture notes for the course "Applied Geometric Algebra" taught by Professor Tisza in the Spring of 1976. Over the last 100 years, the mathematical tools employed by physicists have expanded considerably, from differential calculus, vector algebra and geometry, to advanced linear algebra, tensors, Hilbert space, spinors, Group theory and many others. These sophisticated tools provide powerful machinery for describing the physical world, however, their physical interpretation is often not intuitive. These course notes represent Prof. Tisza's attempt at bringing conceptual clarity and unity to the application and interpretation of these advanced mathematical tools. In particular, there is an emphasis on the unifying role that Group theory plays in classical, relativistic, and quantum physics. Prof. Tisza revisits many elementary problems with an advanced treatment in order to help develop the geometrical intuition for the algebraic machinery that may carry over to more advanced problems. The lecture notes came to MIT OpenCourseWare by way of Samuel Gasster, '77 (Course 18), who had taken the course and kept a copy of the lecture notes for his own reference. He dedicated dozens of hours of his own time to convert the typewritten notes into LaTeX files and then publication-ready PDFs. You can read about his motivation for wanting to see these notes published in his Preface below. Professor Tisza kindly gave his permission to make these notes available on MIT OpenCourseWare.
This applied mathematics textbook covers Matrices and Pathways, Statistics and Probability, Finance, …
This applied mathematics textbook covers Matrices and Pathways, Statistics and Probability, Finance, Cyclic, Recursive and Fractal Patterns, Vectors, and Design. The approach used is primarily data driven, using numerical and geometrical problem-solving techniques.
I designed the course for graduate students who use statistics in their …
I designed the course for graduate students who use statistics in their research, plan to use statistics, or need to interpret statistical analyses performed by others. The primary audience are graduate students in the environmental sciences, but the course should benefit just about anyone who is in graduate school in the natural sciences. The course is not designed for those who want a simple overview of statistics; well learn by analyzing real data. This course or equivalent is required for UMB Biology and EEOS Ph.D. students. It is a recommended course for several of the intercampus graduate school of marine science program options.
The primary learning objective of this textbook is to introduce the reader …
The primary learning objective of this textbook is to introduce the reader to the fundamental statistical methods and basic analytical procedures associated with processing data in regard to healthcare research. It is intended that by working through the applications and practice problems, readers should be able to understand and apply some of the methods for developing, implementing, and applying healthcare statistic principles in research.
Create your own shapes using colorful blocks and explore the relationship between …
Create your own shapes using colorful blocks and explore the relationship between perimeter and area. Compare the area and perimeter of two shapes side-by-side. Challenge yourself in the game screen to build shapes or find the area of funky figures. Try to collect lots of stars!
This simulation gives students the opportunity to explore both area and perimeter …
This simulation gives students the opportunity to explore both area and perimeter of 2-dimensional shapes. Students can explore by creating shapes and having the sim calculate the area and perimeter. They can also play a game where the goal is to create a shape with a specified area or area and perimeter, or to calculate the area and/or perimeter of a given shape.
Build rectangles of various sizes and relate multiplication to area. Discover new …
Build rectangles of various sizes and relate multiplication to area. Discover new strategies for multiplying algebraic expressions. Use the game screen to test your multiplication and factoring skills!
Build rectangles of various sizes and relate multiplication to area. Discover new …
Build rectangles of various sizes and relate multiplication to area. Discover new strategies for multiplying large numbers. Use the game screen to test your problem solving strategies!
Remember your multiplication tables? ... me neither. Brush up on your multiplication, …
Remember your multiplication tables? ... me neither. Brush up on your multiplication, division, and factoring skills with this exciting game. No calculators allowed! The students will be given mutiplication and division problems which they must answer. They also have the option of being given a number then stating the factors of how that number was attained using either multiplication or division.
Remember your multiplication tables? ... me neither. Brush up on your multiplication, …
Remember your multiplication tables? ... me neither. Brush up on your multiplication, division, and factoring skills with this exciting game. No calculators allowed!
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