All resources in San Jacinto College QEP

Arguing Using Critical Thinking

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There is a quote that has been passed down many years and is most recently accounted to P.T. Barnum, “There is a sucker born every minute.” Are you that sucker? If you were, would you like to be “reborn?” The goal of this book is to help you through that “birthing” process. Critical thinking and standing up for your ideas and making decisions are important in both your personal and professional life. How good are we at making the decision to marry? According to the Centers for Disease Control, there is one divorce in America every 36 seconds. That is nearly 2,400 every day. And professionally, the Wall Street Journal predicts the average person will have 7 careers in their lifetime. Critical thinking skills are crucial.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Jim Marteney

Critical Thinking in Academic Research

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One of the primary goals of attending college is to become a critical thinker. As students evolve into lifelong learning they will have to navigate an incredible amount of information related to their studies and personal lives. The ability to explore their world will be dependent on their research and information literacy skills. In fact, when employers were asked about the information skills desired in new employees, they “placed a high premium on graduates’ abilities for searching online, finding information with tools other than search engines, and identifying the best solution from all the information they had gathered” (Head, 2012). Critical Thinking in Academic Research will introduce students to the techniques and principles of critical thinking. However, a commitment to lifelong learning is required for critical thinking, it takes more that a single course or reading a book. In order for students to develop their own arguments, they need to find supporting evidence. This text provides guidance on developing research questions and finding resources to answer the questions.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Cindy Gruwell, Robin Ewing

Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking

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This is an introductory textbook in logic and critical thinking. The goal of the textbook is to provide the reader with a set of tools and skills that will enable them to identify and evaluate arguments. The book is intended for an introductory course that covers both formal and informal logic. As such, it is not a formal logic textbook, but is closer to what one would find marketed as a critical thinking textbook. Downloadable as a pdf file.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Matthew J. Van Cleave

Argument & Critical Thinking

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In this learning area, you will learn how to develop an argumentative essay and stronger critical thinking skills. This learning area will help you develop your arguments, understand your audience, evaluate source material, approach arguments rhetorically, and avoid logical fallacies. Here, you’ll also learn about evaluating other arguments and creating digital writing projects related to your argument.

Material Type: Module

Arguments in Context

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Arguments in Context is a comprehensive introduction to critical thinking that covers all the basics in student-friendly language. Intended for use in a semester-long course, the text features classroom-tested examples and exercises that have been chosen to emphasize the relevance and applicability of the subject to everyday life. Three themes are developed as the text proceeds from argument identification and analysis, to the standards and techniques of evaluation: (i) the importance of asking the right questions, (ii) the influence of biases, cognitive illusions, and other psychological factors, and (iii) the ways that social situations and structures can enhance and impoverish our thinking. On this last point, the text includes sustained discussion of disagreement, cooperative dialogue, testimony, trust, and social media. Overall, the text aims to equip readers with a set of tools for working through important decisions and disagreements, and to help them become more careful and active thinkers.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Thaddeus Robinson

Center for Media Engagement Ethics Case Studies

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100+ concise, engaging case studies on various topics in ethics. Case studies cover current topics in digital ethics, free speech, journalism, advertising, public relations, political communication, art, health communication, and sports media. Each case highlights arguments and values on various sides of a conflict, and each case study is available in PDF form with discussion questions and references for further information.

Material Type: Case Study

Author: Center For Media Engagement

Business Writing For Everyone – Simple Book Publishing

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Business Writing For Everyone is an inclusive guide to writing in the workplace. The book takes a process-oriented, storytelling approach to composition: focusing less on genre and more on the decisions that effective business communicators make. Business Writing For Everyone also contains interactive H5P activities for students to test their learning, and activities for further reflection that instructors can use in the classroom or assign as homework.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Arley Cruthers

Business Co-op Project

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Overview: An introduction to the business co-op project and presentation requirement Author: Prof. Kevin Hale, San Jacinto College Faculty OER Provider: San Jacinto College Creative Commons License: CC BY 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. However, some of the images contained within are licensed under CC-BY ver 2.0 or 3.0. English

Material Type: Lecture

Authors: Kevin Hale, San Jacinto College

Data Visualizations

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This resource from the U.S. Census Bureau provides examples of Visualizations that can be utilized to discuss the various elements of statistics: Data Collection, Data Representation, Data Analysis, and Data Interpretation.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Diagram/Illustration, Homework/Assignment, Interactive

Author: Us Census Bureau

Publication: Border Business Briefs

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This resource is a publication created by the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley's Center for Border Economic Studies. This resource provides regional research studies that can be utilized to discuss various aspects of statistics including: data collection, data representation, data analysis, and data interpretation.

Material Type: Case Study

Author: Center for Border Economic Studies at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective

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Uses annual reports of real companies to illustrate many of the accounting concepts in use in business today. Gaining an understanding of accounting terminology and concepts, however, is not enough to ensure your success. You also need to be able to find information on the Internet, analyze various business situations, work effectively as a member of a team, and communicate your ideas clearly. This text was developed to help you develop these skills.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: James D. Edwards, Roger H. Hermanson

Strategic Management

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STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT offers an introduction to the key topics and themes of strategic management. The authors draw on examples of familiar companies and personalities to illustrate the different strategies used by today’s firms—and how they go about implementing those strategies. Students will learn how to conduct a case analysis, measure organizational performance, and conduct external and internal analyses. In short, they will understand how organizations operate at the strategic level to be successful.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Kennedy B. Reed

The Discipline of Organizing: 4th Professional Edition

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We organize things, we organize information, we organize information about things, and we organize information about information. But even though “organizing” is a fundamental and ubiquitous challenge, when we compare these activities their contrasts are more apparent than their commonalities. We propose to unify many perspectives about organizing with the concept of an Organizing System, defined as an intentionally arranged collection of resources and the interactions they support. Every Organizing System involves a collection of resources, a choice of properties or principles used to describe and arrange resources, and ways of supporting interactions with resources. By comparing and contrasting how these activities take place in different contexts and domains, we can identify patterns of organizing. We can create a discipline of organizing in a disciplined way.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Robert J. Glushko

Stock Market Project

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This shows how to run a stock project throughout the semester and includes the initial instructions for the students, a sample first report, and a sample final report for the students.  Students will learn how stocks are purchased, how markets react to news, and is an excellent way to discuss various topics throughout the semester.  Review the instructions for faculty for a more detailed explanation of how to make it work.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: David Davenport

NSCC Math For Bookkeeping

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NSCC Math for Bookkeeping is an adapted condensed version of Business Math. The open textbook was written to meet the needs of a twenty-first century student. It takes a systematic approach to helping students learn how to think and centers on a structured process termed the PUPP Model (Plan, Understand, Perform, and Present). This process is found throughout the text and in every guided example to help students develop a step-by-step problem-solving approach.

Material Type: Textbook