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Supplemental Instruction

The student success programs in the Supplemental Instruction collection have identified this promising practice as a program offering that applies to their program.

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Susan Harwood and Apprenticeship Programs
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Susan Harwood Grants are awarded to provide training and education programs for employers and workers on the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of safety and health hazards in their workplaces and to inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act. Targeted Topic grants focus on training workers and employers on occupational safety and health hazards associated with one of the selected OSHA-selected training topics. OSHA selected topics vary from year to year and are selected based on fatal statistics, national emphasis programs, and pending regulations. Topics are separated into general industry, construction, and other. Safety is paramount, especially in the warehousing field which employs more than half a million people across the nation. South Texas College's goal is to help to reduce the number of work-related accidents, injuries, and deaths in STC’s service area by conducting training in the Targeted Topic of Warehousing. Today, more than ever, building a strong pipeline of skilled American workers is critical for companies to grow their business and compete in the 21st century global economy. Top companies and organizations are leading the way in developing and training a world-class workforce by partnering with Apprenticeship USA. Apprenticeship USA is a way for companies to document, organize, and showcase their current work-based learning and apprenticeship programs that meet industry and national standards for registration with the U.S Department of Labor. Apprenticeship USA promotes flexible apprenticeship models that can be customized to meet the needs of nearly every type of business and is integrated into existing training and human resource development practices. It’s an employer-driven training model that combines on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction to increase an apprentice’s skill level, opportunities, and wages.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Carlos Margo at clmargo@southtexascollege.edu or 956-872-6109

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
South Texas College
THECB Student Success
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Student Success Services (SSS) is a TRIO program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The program’s mission is to help eligible students succeed at Weatherford College (WC), graduate and/or transfer to a university to complete a degree. SSS participants are provided personal academic advising, individual development plans, tutoring and supplemental instruction, financial aid assistance, personal counseling, career advising, transfer assistance through campus tours and cooperative advising with transfer admissions offices, and cultural enrichment. All of these services are provided to WC students at no cost to the student. To be eligible, students must be enrolled at WC, be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., and meet one or more of the following requirements: have a family income within federal low-income guidelines, be a first-generation student, or a student with a documented disability.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: First-Generation, Low-Income or a student with a documented disabilty.

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally and externally collected in the past


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Maria E Gallegos at maraiza@wc.edu or 817-598-6484

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Parent/guardian-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Weatherford College
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TRIO - Student Support Services
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Western Texas College's Student Support Services seeks to provide 165 participants with an environment that fosters educational and personal growth for low-income and first-generation students and students with disabilities. Following comprehensive, individualized assessment, participants will take part in a Summer Bridge program prior to their first year. After this, participating students receive an array of services including individualized academic and career counseling, one-on-one academic advising, peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, academic support workshops, financial aid assistance, financial literacy/planning instruction, transfer guidance, and cultural enrichment throughout their time at the institution. Student Support Services, augmented by a wealth of supportive initiatives provided by Western Texas College staff and community representatives, ensure the continued success of participants.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally and externally collected


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Emily Powell at epowell@wtc.edu or 325-573-8511

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Western Texas College
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Trailblazer Elite Program
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Organizational Overview
UNT Dallas's mission is to transform the lives of our students by empowering them with the resources they need for success. UNT Dallas has a unique focus on serving under-resourced students in metro Dallas, becoming a pathway to the middle class for thousands of area students. Our core competence is preparing local students for high-need jobs in North Texas.

Program Overview
The Trailblazer Elite program (TBE) promotes student retention and ensures students successfully graduate from college. The program is designed to increase student retention, graduation rates in a timely manner, and career attainment. Traditionally, the TBE program has focused on first-generation college students. We teach students how to develop a support network that will help them navigate through their college journey and life.

Program Goals & Objectives
The TBE program is designed to build supportive and trusting relationships, provide academic support, and prepare students for a successful college transition for non-traditional students. In order to be successful, students must have a sufficient amount of interaction with faculty and staff on campus.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Trailblazer Elite students benefit from leadership development, academic enrichment, mentorship, networking, and priority access to student support services. Programmatic touch-points, metrics, and early alerts increase student success, retention, graduation rates, and career attainment.
Of those selected to participate in the first cohort, 95% were retained from Fall 2020 to Fall 2021. 86% were retained from Fall 2021 to Fall 2022.
Compared to similar students outside the program, the Trailblazer Elite students: (1) had higher retention rates; (2) 84% are in good standing with the university; and (3) are 80% more engaged with the university.


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Sabrina Hodge at sabrina.hodge@untdallas.edu or 972-338-1094

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
University of North Texas at Dallas
THECB Student Success
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Tutoring Across the Curriculum
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Tutoring Across the Curriculum is an in-house operation using current and former students and other mentors in part-time employment who provide tutoring and support. In its current format, the program has been in existence for about 5 years. This program provides free tutoring and support in almost all subjects/ content areas to students in academic distress. Tutoring and specialized support is provided face-to-face, online and virtual. Additionally support for specialized skill development in the areas of study skills, test prep, time management, TSI preparation, group study, paper reviews and CTC technology overviews are also provided.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: All stakeholders have access to this program. As such, there is no enrollment process

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Academic Success Center/ Student Success and Persistence

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Julie Starkey at jstarkey@ctcd.edu or 254-526-1450

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Central Texas College
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Tutoring Services
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Tutoring in our Academic Success Centers and/or Online is available to all students attending Houston Community College. One important key to success in college is learning to use available resources. Houston Community College provides many tutoring opportunities for all students in most all areas of study. Whether a student prefers real-time, face-to-face interaction or the privacy and convenience of working with an online or virtual tutor, HCC provides multiple options for support. In addition, HCC provides access to our physical and virtual Academic Success Centers, staffed with experts ready to assist students with writing assignments, math problems, and most academic and workforce subjects. Our mission for the Academic Success Center is to provide complimentary quality tutoring that supports student learning and empowers students to succeed, whether in academic courses or workforce training programs. The Center helps students to shape their future by providing a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment that supports teacher instruction and supplements student learning.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: All Houston Community College Students have access to tutoring through the Academic Success Center

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: Participants who tend to come in for tutoring earlier in the semester and more frequently, tend to have higher success outcomes than those who wait later in the semester and are infrequent.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Academic Instruction, Instructional Support

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Amanda Guerrero at amanda.guerrero@hccs.edu or 713-718-6172

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Houston Community College
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Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, and Study Hall
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Recruit and train student Supplemental Instruction Leaders that is embedded in gateway courses. The on campus tutor, coordinates, plans, and facilitates collaborative tutoring sessions. The tutor assist students with learning appropriate study skills and functions as liaison to online tutoring resources. 1) Tutoring: Our on campus tutor’s assist all students, who need additional support in the following subjects: English, Math, History, and Science. Students also are able to access tutor.com, which is an online tutoring service open 24/7, 361 days a year. It is FREE to all students, offers over 40 subjects, and includes the ability to upload an essay for detailed review. 2) Supplemental Instruction: Supplemental Instruction (SI), is a non-remedial approach to learning that supports students toward academic success by integrating “what to learn” with “how to learn.” SI consists of regularly scheduled, out-of-class group study sessions driven by students’ needs. Sessions are facilitated by trained peer leaders (SI Leaders) who utilize collaborative activities to ensure peer-to-peer interaction in small groups. SI is implemented in “high-risk courses” such as, English, Math, Science (Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, and Chemistry), etc. The SI Leaders will: a) Attend all class sessions b) Maintain a professional attitude about matters such as class standards, grades, and student complaints c) Discourage students from attending SI as a substitute for class d) Provide feedback to the cooperating faculty member if requested to do so

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants are automatically enrolled in this program if they meet eligibility requirements

EVALUATION STATUS: No data related to outcomes have been collected from this program

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Trenida Lewis, Title V-Pathway to Excellence

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Trenida Lewis at lewistd@lamarpa.edu or 409-984-6235

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Lamar State College-Port Arthur
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Tutoring and Academic Support Programs
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Located in Moffett Library, The Office of Tutoring and Academic Support Programs (TASP) offers a variety of resources designed to help students meet the demands of the college classroom. Our programs include tutoring, supplemental instruction, the first-year seminars, undecided advising, and support for students on probation or suspension. Our mission is to provide the necessary support to help students achieve academic success.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: No, we do not have plans to change the program within the next two years.

HOW TO ENROLL: All stakeholders have access to this program. As such, there is no enrollment process

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Ashley Campana Hurst at ashley.hurst@msutexas.edu or 940-397-4544

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Midwestern State University
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UH Culture of Tutoring
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The Enhanced Culture of Tutoring project will build an innovative campus-wide culture of tutoring through which all undergraduate students understand the academic gains that can be achieved through targeted academic improvement. Our approach centers on the primary focus area of developing Academic Supports by reinforcing our existing traditional tutoring services by 1) adopting an engaging, flexible, remote, on-demand, app-based tutoring format; 2) expanding course-based weekly group tutoring; and 3) developing faculty advocacy for the vital role that out-of-class tutoring plays in the success of their students.

Establishing a culture of tutoring at UH through this three-pronged approach will ensure sustainability of the cultural shift and accelerate persistence and success in key courses, leading to measurably increased retention and graduation rates.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: We have found that students who participated in the Knack tutoring app or group tutoring during Spring 2023 were more likely to pass their courses than those who did not participate in tutoring.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Undergraduate Student Success

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Melissa Pierson at mpierson@uh.edu or 713-743-4961

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
University of Houston
THECB Student Success
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UNT TSI Math Success Project
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To address the growing number of TSI (Texas Success Initiative) math incomplete students who may not be college ready as they come to campus, UNT is providing supplemental instruction/tutoring/testing for TSI incomplete students, including the math platform and resources for success. Students who have graduated high school and are TSI incomplete will receive online or face-to-face math EdReady platform instruction with the goal of achieving a passing rate on the platform and being TSI complete by the time the students start their freshman year of classes. In addition, we completed a communication campaign with two area high schools to encourage TSI complete status before UNT admitted students arrive at orientation in August.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Students who passed the TSI-incomplete summer bridge math program achieved at an equal rate to their TSI-complete peers in their freshman math class.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Vice Provost for Student Success

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Chelsea Bradshaw at chelsea.bradshaw@unt.edu or 940-565-3633

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
University of North Texas
THECB Student Success
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UTSA Bold Promise Program
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The UTSA Bold Promise (free tuition) program provides the resources and support for students to attend and be successful at UTSA, tuition-free. The program reduces financial barriers for low to mid-income high-achieving students to enable persistence, success, and by connecting them to campus resources and support programs such as financial literacy, tutoring, and advising/coaching. The program is for students who have a family income of $70,000 or less, who are in the top 25% of their high school class, and who apply for aid by Jan 15th.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants are automatically enrolled in this program if they meet eligibility requirements

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Lynn Barnes, Jr. at lynn.barnes@utsa.edu or 210-458-4041

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
The University of Texas at San Antonio
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UT Success Programs (UTSP)
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UT Success Programs (UTSP) are housed in our individual schools and colleges and provide students with a home on campus and a network of support. The University of Texas at Austin has success programs in each of our undergraduate schools and colleges, with the exception of the Jackson School of Geosciences and School of Information. UTSP provide academic, social, and development support to students throughout their first year and in some cases throughout their first two years. Each program provides an academic learning community that includes peer mentoring, group and individualized advising, learning skills training, tutoring, and peer-to-peer teaching. These academically focused success programs are distinct, reflecting the particular environment and pedagogy of their associated colleges and student populations.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants are invited to participate in the program. Invitations are based on the eligibility requirements.

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: Since 2013, the number of students served in a success program each year increased from 870 to over 2,200 – over an 200% increase. Four-year graduation rates for those schools with an active academic success program increased approximately 9.2%. Newer programs who do not yet have 4-year graduation rates, achieved an average first-year retention rate of 96.6%, an average increase of over 1.3% percentage points. Most notable are the improvements in closing the 4-year graduation rates for Students of Color and for Pell-Eligible students. Since 2013 these two populations’ four-year graduation rates have improved by approximately 16% percentage points.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: School of Undergraduate Studies - Student Success Initiatives

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Kathy Uitvlugt at kathy.uitvlugt@austin.utexas.edu or 5124759675

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
The University of Texas at Austin
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Veterans Educational and Transitional Services (VETS) Center
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The Angelo State University Veterans Educational and Transitional Services (VETS) Center is responsible for the administration of US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Educational Benefits and supporting the administration of other military service related benefits like tuition assistance and the state of Texas Hazlewood Exemption. It is a team of veterans and university administrators whose secondary missions are taking care of our VETS Center's student clientele, to include their development both academically and personally, as well as providing collaborative assistance in support of our students and the university in general to the other sections of Student Affairs, the Faculty and Academic Affairs Division, the External Affairs Division, and the Finance Division.

The VETS Center endeavors to live up to our university’s core values every day. We expect integrity both from our employees and our student clientele and when shortcomings are identified, we mentor our people on the best ways to do and be better in the future. The military (both those active and those that have completed their contracted service) live in an incredibly diverse environment. This continues in the VETS Center. We work to develop our clientele to be part of an organization, and as a team we care most about what the individual can do to help the team succeed. Higher education is a pathway that can change the future, not just for our students, but their families as well. When our students graduate and move on to their careers, we know we have made an impact on their lives.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: All stakeholders have access to this program. As such, there is no enrollment process

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: The average first-year retention rate of VETS Center students is 68.7%, roughly 12 percentage points higher than that of the overall student body. VETS Center students also have a six-year graduation rate of 57.5%, compared to an institutional average of 37%.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Affiliated Military and Veteran Education Services

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Phillip Nichelson at phillip.nichelson@angelo.edu or 3254866618

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Parent/guardian-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Angelo State University
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Weatherford College International Student Organization
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Weatherford College’s (WC) International Student Organization (ISO) serves as a vehicle to ensure that our international students are given the extra support needed to have a successful learning experience at Weatherford College. ISO partners with International Student Inc. (a national organization), c2 (a community-based organization), and local churches to serve WC’s international students.

Our ISO:
- Helps to build camaraderie among the international students
- Helps to connect international students to other non- international students
- Provides mentoring to international students via faculty, staff, student peer mentors and community members.
- Provides engaging and meaningful events and activities for international students on campus and in the community.
- Provides international students with the opportunity to learn more about the Weatherford community first hand
- Provides international students with the opportunity to volunteer in the community.
- Provides international students with the opportunity to learn more about our community through cultural field trips
- Provides international students with the opportunity to visit four year universities in case they wish to continue their education after completing Weatherford College.
- Provides international students with the opportunity to help foster global citizenship in the community.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program


EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally and externally collected


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Adam Finley at Afinley@wc.edu or 817 598 8831

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Weatherford College
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lifePATH is a post-secondary program for college-aged students who have neurodevelopmental disorders. The lifePATH Occupational and Life Skills Associate Degree seeking students have IQ's of at least 70 or above in:
*Full Scale IQ
*Reading Comprehension IQ achievement score
*Written Expression or Fluency IQ achievement score
*Math Problem Solving or Reasoning IQ achievement score

lifePATH’s vision is to foster belonging and a diverse community where neurodiverse students have equitable opportunities for academic, social, and career growth.

Students in lifePATH develop independence, exercise self-determination, increase knowledge of college-level academic expectations, practice the social expectations necessary for success in the adult world, and engage in opportunities for career exploration.

lifePATH students are selected as part of a cohort model. Students enter the program together as a peer group and remain together for at least two years. The cohort provides students with the structure and support needed to increase independence and social interactions. The cohort model also promotes community and a sense of belonging.

Students in lifePATH participate in Campus RAMP and community internships, where they bring skills learned in the classroom into the work environment. Beginning in year 2, Campus RAMP focuses on mentoring and job shadowing activities. In year 4, the community internship provides community-based work experience that allows students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the lifePATH courses and the Campus RAMP to the business environment. Mentors for Campus RAMP and sites for the community internship are selected through a collaborative process and are meant to help students establish transferable skills that can be applied to their career goals.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Yes, we do have plans to change the program within the next two years.


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: lonestar.edu/lifePATH

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: The average lifePATH Occupational and Life Skills Associates (OLSA) course completion rate ranges from 88-92%.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: First Year Foundations Division, lifePATH Department

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Anne Ginnett at anne.m.ginnett@lonestar.edu or 281-655-3607

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Lone Star College System
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