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Research, development, and innovation

The student success programs included in the Research, Development, and Innovation collection have identified that they are aligned with this goal of the Building a Talent Strong Texas strategic plan for higher education.  This goal identifies that Texas must be a leading state in generating knowledge through basic and applied research, and translating that research to innovations, discoveries, and economic development.

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Start with Support
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Start With Support (SWS) aims to connect residential students to their academic goals while also fostering a sense of closeness with their residence hall staff. SWS, at its core, involves establishing continuous relationships with students to create academic readiness within the first two-years of their college experience to improve persistence and retention across the board. By following TCU Housing's relationship model, "Knowing, Connecting and Empowering" (KCE), SWS allows students to engage and identify resources and methods to improve their academic goals and college experience.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: TCU staff identified 157 residential students who may have needed academic support in fall 2022, and 70 of those students engaged in SWS. In spring 2023, staff identified 101 students for SWS, and 51 residents participated.


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Jason Titus at j.titus@tcu.edu or (817) 947-5204

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Texas Christian University
THECB Student Success
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The Store - Baylor University
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The Store is Baylor University's on-campus food pantry - a resource available to all enrolled Baylor University Students, but especially developed for our most underrepresented and high financial need students. Our objectives are both remedial and preventative.

Our remedial goals are primarily to ensure all Baylor Students have access to adequate food and nutrition while enrolled at Baylor, and that lack of access to food (or food insecurity) not become a barrier to retention. The Store gives students unlimited access to fresh fruits, vegetables, proteins, milk, eggs, pantry staples, snacks and personal hygiene products (including diapers for students who are parents of young children). Students are also connected to additional resources include allocating them with donated meal swipes they can use at our on-campus dining facilities, referring them to SNAP application assistance professionals, and other community and campus resources.

Another remedial focus of the Store is to tackle feelings of shame, social isolation, and a lack of belonging. We do this through community meals, advocacy and other events.

Our preventative objectives are focused on advocating for structural, systemic and policy changed that will create resilience to food insecurity for our 'campus ecosystem' as a whole, and mitigate food insecurity risk factors for individual students within it. Our goals include securing universal access to public transport for all enrolled students, advocating for efficient routes to and from the grocery store, and identifying and understanding other vulnerabilities of our campus eco-system and developing programs and resources to mitigate them.

Our program has created numerous collaborative and cross-discipline experiential learning opportunities for students through internship opportunities for student social workers, dietetics and nutrition, and public health students. Additionally, we provide many classes (like marketing, public relations, etc.) with numerous experiential learning opportunities in the form of semester-long practical projects or assignments.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Student Opportunity and Accessibility Resources (SOAR)

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Lauren da Silva at Lauren_Dasilva2@baylor.edu or 254-710-3075

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Baylor University
THECB Student Success
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Strategic Enrollment Management
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For TVCC, Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) has a single overarching goal: To provide the optimal number of students for every part of the college, based on the college mission and capacities. To do that, SEM initiatives influence students in three areas: 1) Recruitment, 2) Retention, and 3) Student Satisfaction.

Responsible for implementing process within those three areas is the SEM Committee. This is a large, campus-wide committee with a very wide reach. Each member of the SEM committee also oversee a subcommittee that has a particular purpose within the overall SEM structure. For example, our subcommittees include: Retention, Diversity and Inclusion, Recruitment, Campus Beautification, Safety and Security, Workforce, etc. These committees were chosen after an extensive SWOT analysis.

SEM touches every area of campus, touching every service and activity from the time a student makes an inquiry through a student's graduation into alumni status.

At TVCC we began with a SWOT analysis of our current position within the market and determined four focus areas for our first year of the SEM project. (We also incorporated project management training for all SEM members.) The four focus areas for our first year were: 1) Building necessary infrastructure in all areas, 2) Ensure safety guidelines are met on all campuses, 3) Grow retention and recruitment, and 4) Detangle confusing student processes.

We have been working on these four focus areas for the last year. We have been successful in all four areas. We are now shift into our second year of SEM, where collection and use of data will become paramount.

Our ultimate goal through SEM is to have our optimal number of students on all campuses and in all activities, including academics.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

HOW TO ENROLL: All stakeholders are influenced by the work of SEM


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Philip Parnell at philip.parnell@tvcc.edu or 9036756213

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Trinity Valley Community College
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Student Needs Center
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The Basic Needs Center is a campus support component within the Division of Student Affairs. The center, which encompasses the Food Pantry, Dress for Success Hub, and the Community Resource Room, are designed to connect TLU students with essential resources that are necessary for their personal, academic, and career success. As a virtual and physical hub of services, The Center is focused on collaborating with on-campus and community partners to meet the basic needs of our students. We provide students with education to connect with resources that will help them to navigate local, state, and national resources in addition to helping support life and crisis situations.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: We have identified some students are impacted by food insecurity, especially students from low income and first generation backgrounds. In addition, students have difficulty navigating existing systems and processes that would give them access to meet their basic and career needs.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Division of Student Affairs, Office of Student Life

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Gourjoine M. Wade at studentaffairs@tlu.edu or 830-372-8052

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Texas Lutheran University
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Summer Success Program
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The Summer Success Program at NTCC is a program designed to help local students transition from high school to college. All graduating high school seniors are invited to attend. The students are allowed to live on campus for free during the summer session on Sunday throughThursday and return home for the weekends. Students must be enrolled in six hours of class and attend tutoring, mentoring, and social skills workshops. Our staff works closely with the students to provide financial assistance for the summer classes.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: ntcc.edu/summersuccess

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally and externally collected


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Jon McCullough at jmccullough@ntcc.edu or 9034348115

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Northeast Texas Community College
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Supplemental Instruction
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Baylor University seeks to build upon its success in mathematics curriculum redesign and mathematics supplemental instruction (hereafter, SI) to benefit students from underserved populations in Calculus. Baylor has already redesigned its Calculus I curriculum (MTH 1321) and scaled up SI for most sections of these courses to good effect. The redesign of MTH 1321 included a 4-hour credit section of the course that includes just-in-time student assistance. Student data drawn from our Navigate student success portal was utilized to invite students from target populations (first-generation and URM) to enroll in these courses.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Center for Academic Success and Engagement

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: De'Janae Tookes at dejanae_tookes@baylor.edu or 2547108709

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Baylor University
THECB Student Success
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Susan Harwood and Apprenticeship Programs
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Susan Harwood Grants are awarded to provide training and education programs for employers and workers on the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of safety and health hazards in their workplaces and to inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act. Targeted Topic grants focus on training workers and employers on occupational safety and health hazards associated with one of the selected OSHA-selected training topics. OSHA selected topics vary from year to year and are selected based on fatal statistics, national emphasis programs, and pending regulations. Topics are separated into general industry, construction, and other. Safety is paramount, especially in the warehousing field which employs more than half a million people across the nation. South Texas College's goal is to help to reduce the number of work-related accidents, injuries, and deaths in STC’s service area by conducting training in the Targeted Topic of Warehousing. Today, more than ever, building a strong pipeline of skilled American workers is critical for companies to grow their business and compete in the 21st century global economy. Top companies and organizations are leading the way in developing and training a world-class workforce by partnering with Apprenticeship USA. Apprenticeship USA is a way for companies to document, organize, and showcase their current work-based learning and apprenticeship programs that meet industry and national standards for registration with the U.S Department of Labor. Apprenticeship USA promotes flexible apprenticeship models that can be customized to meet the needs of nearly every type of business and is integrated into existing training and human resource development practices. It’s an employer-driven training model that combines on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction to increase an apprentice’s skill level, opportunities, and wages.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Carlos Margo at clmargo@southtexascollege.edu or 956-872-6109

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
South Texas College
THECB Student Success
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TAMUC Scholars
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TAMUC Scholars program offers faculty mentorship/advising for any degree that the university offers as an incoming freshman student. Students will have access to tutors, cultural events (on and off campus), opportunities for research and career coaching from our faculty and staff, and a pathway to continue to graduate programs in the College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) through our 4+1-degree and traditional graduate programs.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: https://www.tamuc.edu/college-of-education-and-human-services/tamuc-scholars/

EVALUATION STATUS: No data related to outcomes have been collected from this program

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: College of Education and Human Services

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Yolanda Willis at yolanda.willis@tamuc.edu or 2149543611

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Texas A&M University - Commerce
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TJC Presidential Honors Program
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The Honors Program at Tyler Junior College is designed to serve highly motivated and creative students by providing an intellectually enriching, interdisciplinary two-year experience. The program fosters an atmosphere of educational excellence with a focus on intellectual exploration, community involvement, and leadership through service learning.

The TJC Honors Program is a focused academic program with unique admissions guidelines and procedures, specialized honors seminar-style courses, dedicated honors faculty, individual advising and planning, reserved housing, and special transcript notation and distinction at graduation. The honors program is open to students from all majors. We pride ourselves on being academically accommodating while also ensuring that students have an intellectually rigorous experience during their time with us.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dave Funk at dfun@tjc.edu or 9035103078

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Tyler Junior College
THECB Student Success
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Student Success Services (SSS) is a TRIO program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The program’s mission is to help eligible students succeed at Weatherford College (WC), graduate and/or transfer to a university to complete a degree. SSS participants are provided personal academic advising, individual development plans, tutoring and supplemental instruction, financial aid assistance, personal counseling, career advising, transfer assistance through campus tours and cooperative advising with transfer admissions offices, and cultural enrichment. All of these services are provided to WC students at no cost to the student. To be eligible, students must be enrolled at WC, be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., and meet one or more of the following requirements: have a family income within federal low-income guidelines, be a first-generation student, or a student with a documented disability.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: First-Generation, Low-Income or a student with a documented disabilty.

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally and externally collected in the past


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Maria E Gallegos at maraiza@wc.edu or 817-598-6484

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Parent/guardian-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Weatherford College
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Tarrant To and Through (T3)
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The Tarrant To & Through Partnership aims to ensure more Tarrant County students have the training and skills they need to thrive in today’s workforce. The Tarrant To & Through (T3) Partnership commits to: 1) Supporting your student on their journey to graduate high school; 2) Helping them create a customized plan for life after high school; 3) Ensuring they complete a degree or credential to attain a meaningful career and living-wage job. When your student takes the T3 Pledge, we'll help them build a customized plan focused on life after high school called a "Postsecondary Success Plan". If eligible, your student will have access to a variety of supports such as: A T3 Last Dollar Scholarship covers any remaining tuition costs after all Pell grants and/or other federal, state, or institutional aid have been applied. In other words, last dollar scholarships cover the gap -- any last dollars needed to cover the student's tuition. The UTA and T3 partnership serves Fort Worth ISD students by offering personalized guidance and programming throughout high school into college, helping students achieve a world class degree. Become a T3 Scholar by completing the T3 Partnership Pledge by the T3 pledge deadline of your senior year of high school. T3 Scholars attending UTA who meet all eligibility requirements will also receive funding covering the cost of classes (tuition) that federal, state, or other institutional grants or scholarships do not.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: https://t3partnership.org/

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally and externally collected

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Tarrant To and Through (T3) is a partnership with an MOU agreement with UTA and administered by both Division of Enrollment Management and Division of Student Success

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Rachael Capua at rcapua@t3partnership.org or (817) 717-3963

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Parent/guardian-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
The University of Texas at Arlington
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Texas Tech University Honors College
0.0 stars

Honors College students have the unique advantage of experiencing an intellectually and socially vibrant environment while having access to the vast resources of a major research university at Texas Tech. Honors College students simultaneously benefit from being with others of the same intellectual preparation and commitment while enjoying the advantages of a university environment actively engaged in exploring all areas of human interest and concern.

All students who are admitted to Texas Tech and the Honors College also enroll in a disciplinary college and pursue one or more of the 150+ available majors and concentrations, including one major housed within the Honors College, Honors Sciences & the Humanities. Their education is the result of the integration of all colleges at TTU, including the Honors College, and cultivates the talents and interests of Honors College students while meeting their changing needs as they develop academically and socially.

The program is in-person only.

Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Office of the Dean, Honors College

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Robert Peaslee, Associate Dean, at robert.peaslee@ttu.edu or (806) 742-1828.

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Robert Peaslee
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Title V - STEM
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Title V grants are awarded to Hispanic Serving Institutions. This project was designed to help Hispanic students in STEM majors. Some of the key components of the project include incorporating principles of Project Based Learning into Western Texas College’s curriculum; expanding research opportunities and articulation agreements for students; and utilizing peer tutoring to help STEM students better understand the content of their courses and the problem-solving process.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: All stakeholders have access to this program. As such, there is no enrollment process

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally and externally collected

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: Initial data shows very promising results of the impact of the Title V project. In Gibson Research Group surveys of Project-Based Learning (PBL), the average response to the survey questions was 2.80 in Fall 2018 but had increased to 3.05 in Fall 2021 (responses are recorded on a 1 to 4 scale with 4 being the highest response), indicating that PBL is being implemented in the college curriculum. Other strategies such as tutoring also seem to be increasing academic achievement for STEM students. In Fall 2018, the average grade point average (GPA) for science students was 2.49, compared to 2.83 in Fall 2021, an increase of almost 14%. In math, the average GPA increased from 1.99 to 2.55 (or 28%) over the same time period.


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Britt Canada at bcanada@wtc.edu or 3325747671

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Western Texas College
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Tutoring Services
0.0 stars

Tutoring in our Academic Success Centers and/or Online is available to all students attending Houston Community College. One important key to success in college is learning to use available resources. Houston Community College provides many tutoring opportunities for all students in most all areas of study. Whether a student prefers real-time, face-to-face interaction or the privacy and convenience of working with an online or virtual tutor, HCC provides multiple options for support. In addition, HCC provides access to our physical and virtual Academic Success Centers, staffed with experts ready to assist students with writing assignments, math problems, and most academic and workforce subjects. Our mission for the Academic Success Center is to provide complimentary quality tutoring that supports student learning and empowers students to succeed, whether in academic courses or workforce training programs. The Center helps students to shape their future by providing a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment that supports teacher instruction and supplements student learning.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: All Houston Community College Students have access to tutoring through the Academic Success Center

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: Participants who tend to come in for tutoring earlier in the semester and more frequently, tend to have higher success outcomes than those who wait later in the semester and are infrequent.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Academic Instruction, Instructional Support

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Amanda Guerrero at amanda.guerrero@hccs.edu or 713-718-6172

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Houston Community College
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This UST VETSTART project has been specifically designed to improve veteran students' social, emotional, academic, and career development, with a focus on underserved students. This is done by developing and supporting educator as well as instittutional capacity to support social and emotional learning and development that is trauma-informed. Specially trained consultants, educators and trainers, will deliver timely, theory-based instruction and training to UST faculty and staff to ensure they are able to deliver the highest-quality services to veterans. Faculty and staff will be learning about appropriate veteran support related to violence and trauma specific to veterans. The project will establish a professional veteran student support team. Students will also receive specialized coaching support based on the Bettinger and Baker theory, remedial math and writing "catch-up" courses, wrap-around services and referrals, counseling and other campus support for veteran students.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Chio Sheppard at chio.sheppard@stthom.edu or 713-525-2101

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
University of St. Thomas
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Utilizing a Curricular Approach to Develop a Holistic, Intentional and Effective Curriculum
0.0 stars

The Division of Student Affairs is utilizing Implementation Grant to employ a redesign of how learning and engagement opportunities for
students are achieved. The redesign is modeled on the Curricular Approach to Student Affairs work. A curricular approach is an increasingly popular method of organizing out-of-classroom learning and engagement experiences for college students. The approach entails the development of learning objectives and then sequencing and scaffolding designed learning experiences to achieve these objectives. Through this focus on student learning and throughout the design process, formative and summative assessment measures are more easily identified, designed, and analyzed to allow for overall
curriculum review, improvement, and advancement. With the assistance of the ASSI Planning Grant, the planning work has already begun and we are excited to develop and launch the curriculum at West Texas A&M

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Chance Haugen, AVP for Student Affairs at chaugen@wtamu.edu or (806) 651-2050

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
West Texas A&M University
THECB Student Success
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Virtual New Student Orientation
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CTC will host a new student orientation to help students get acquainted with the campus and the student services it has to offer. Free and open to all new and returning students. Orientation includes:

How to access your classes
What your professors expect of you
Tips on being successful in class
Services and resources available to Eagles
Safety and security
Who to contact if you have questions?
Breakout sessions with professors based on your degree plan where students get to oversee and discuss your career pathway

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is online only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: www.ctcd.edu/nso

EVALUATION STATUS: No data related to outcomes have been collected from this program


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Mariceli N. Santiago Cruz at msantiagocruz@ctcd.edu or 254-526-1259

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Central Texas College
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WBU Multidisciplinary Tutorial Services
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WBU's Multidisciplinary Tutorial Services believes that competent, collegiate-level tutoring is important for the Wayland community to become more academically, professionally, and spiritually sound. Our mission is to offer peer (student-to-student) tutoring (with faculty oversight) across the Wayland curriculum in an inclusive environment and at no cost to students. Our services therefore are dedicated to helping students achieve academic and professional success in the classroom and beyond.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: WBU's Multidisciplinary Tutorial Services currently assists an estimated 300-400 students on-site and online each academic year.


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Brent Lynn at lynnb@wbu.edu or 8062913672

Student Success
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Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Wayland Baptist University
THECB Student Success
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War Hawk Success Center – Building a Foundation for Student Success
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The Warhawk Success Center will use historical student success data to develop an index to identify those students who are more likely to need success coaching and wrap around support. This will allow us to calibrate the proactive care provided by success coaches, focusing their efforts on the students who are most likely to need it.
The majority of our students have only a vague notion of how the college classes they are taking connect to the career choices they will eventually make. This contributes to poor engagement with faculty and coursework, leading to students dropping out of college. We will clarify and strengthen the connection between academic pursuits and career readiness by adding the Office of Experiential Learning and Career Planning. Engaging students in activities outside the classroom is a high impact practice contributing to the development of critical skill sets boosting success in the classroom and improving the transition to postgraduate study and careers. The War Hawk Flight Plan provides a discipline-specific road map that guides students to key experiential learning opportunities promoting critical 21st Century Career Skills. We think that providing every McMurry student with at least one experiential learning opportunity will improve retention and graduation rates and workforce transition metrics.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Cynthia Martin at martinc@mcm.edu or 325-793-3844

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
McMurry University
THECB Student Success
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Women's Empowerment Network
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The Inclusive Excellence office facilitates a student success initiative designed to promote retention, persistence, academic performance, and holistic well being for women at Dallas College.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants are automatically enrolled in this program if they meet eligibility requirements

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dina Sosa-Hegarty, Ed.D. at dsosa@dcccd.edu or 972-378-6398

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Dallas College
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