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Hispanic or Latino/a students

The programs in this collection identified Hispanic or Latino/a students or their parents/guardians as a target population.

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FLIGHT Mentor Program
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The University of the Incarnate Word FLIGHT (Financial Literacy, Integrated Guidance and Health career Tracks) program is a transformational university- wide, multi-pronged mentorship program for Hispanic and low income students who might otherwise not complete their degree and graduate. Research shows that a network of mentors, who contribute diverse skills and backgrounds to assist students at varying stages of the college experience, is more effective than one or more stand-alone mentoring programs.

The UIW FLIGHT program includes three activities:

- A FLIGHT Mentoring Center to implement a coordinated mentoring program that affords students access to mentors to guide them to graduation with a developed academic and financial plan.
- A first-year course taught by FLIGHT-certified faculty and embedded in learning communities with FLIGHT-certified peer mentors.
- A health professions pathway guided by a FLIGHT-certified Pre-Health mentor/advisor who works with the Health Professions Advisory Council, which is comprised of undergraduate faculty and mentors who support the pre-health academic programs at UIW.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Sandra McMakin at mcmakin@uiwtx.edu or 210-832-5602

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
University of the Incarnate Word
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Family Portal
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Texas Woman's University offers a Family Portal to interested guardians and parents of TWU students. The program's goal is to simplify finding information for parents and families by putting the resources they will need on one, simple web platform. The site maintains an up-to-date schedule of events with information tailored to each user’s preferences and areas of interest. Users are also able to sign up for an email newsletter and can choose the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly).

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is online only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants are automatically enrolled and those who are not auto enrolled can join at any time

EVALUATION STATUS: No data related to outcomes have been collected from this program


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Amy Evans at AEvans18@twu.edu or 940-898-3607

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Parent/guardian-facing
Texas Woman's University
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Fearless Leadership Institute
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The Fearless Leadership Institute (FLI), established at the University of Texas at Austin in 2013, is a holistic development initiative for Black and LatinX college women at UT-Austin, focusing on three core development areas: academic, personal, and professional development. The initiative provides services and hosts events that promote student engagement, sense of belonging, leadership development, and equips participants with the tools necessary for succeeding at the university and beyond. Participants can take advantage of weekly interest groups, exposure trips to Wall Street and Silicon Valley, international study abroad opportunities, graduate school preparation and mentorship from an upperclassmen, graduate students or professional women from the community. Part of FLI’s strategic plan includes extending programming and support to high school students. For the past two years, FLI has hosted a leadership conference for female high school students from around the state of Texas. To further impact high school students FLI will partner with She Needs To Know (SNTK), a local non-profit, to offer group and individual mentorship with the goal of impacting the postsecondary success for the high school participants of SNTK.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: All stakeholders have access to this program. As such, there is no enrollment process

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Longhorn Center for Academic Equity

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Tiffany Lewis or Thais Moore at tiffany.tillis@austin.utexas.edu or 512-471-1205

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
The University of Texas at Austin
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Financial Literacy
0.0 stars

Financial Literacy at Texas A&M University- San Antonio takes a multi-pronged approach to educating and equipping students as well as the general community with knowledge and skills in personal finance and financial management. Housed within the Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement, Texas A&M University - San Antonio offers a Financial Literacy Fellows program with peer to peer education, one-on-one coaching, in-class presentations with a variety of topics, on and off campus outreach, and partnerships with entities both on and off campus. The goals of the program are to improve overall competency of personal finance, decrease finance-induced stress, career and economic development post-graduation, and improve retention rates. Major initiatives and programs include the Financial Literacy Fellows, a year-long program open to students majoring in finance or accounting at the undergraduate level, or are in the Masters of Public Accounting program. Students selected to serve as Financial Literacy Fellows are peer educators that advance financial literacy through campus presentations, community education, and creating individualized capstone projects to solve problems they see in the world. The Fellows help build capacity and reach, and improve relations with students. Another initiative are in-class presentations, which are incorporated into the First Year Seminar to acquaint new Jaguar students with Budgeting 101 and other financial education curriculum. Faculty in all departments and at all course levels can also request presentations on a variety of topics. For on-campus engagement Texas A&M University-San Antonio coordinates a variety of campus engagement events weekly throughout the academic year, and highlight a cluster of programs and workshops during the annual Financial Literacy Week (fall semester) and Money Smart Week (spring semester) in collaboration with several other campus departments. Money coaching appointments include one-on-one coaching which is wholly tailored to student needs and goals and is available free of charge to Jaguar students. Students meet with a trained money coach to strategize and implement a plan to help each student reach their financial goals. As a part of off-campus engagement, Texas A&M University-San Antonio also partners with community organizations such as Junior Achievement of South Texas to work with neighboring independent school districts so younger students can achieve financial literacy and capability before reaching higher education, as well as GEAR UP, a federal fund that helps low-income districts prepare students for higher education.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: there are multiple parts- to be a Financial Literacy Fellow students must apply, other students always have access to all other programming

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: the Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Eliasz McCullen at emccullen@tamusa.edu or 210-784-1364

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Texas A&M University-San Antonio
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First-Year Experience
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FYE's Mission
The First-Year Experience Program (FYE) is committed to supporting first-year-in-college-students through peer mentorship as they transition into university life. FYE Peer Mentors meet with students one-on-one to provide academic, social, and personal support in order to enhance student success.

FYE's Goals
Connecting incoming first-year students with student leaders who can provide guidance from experience to make their first year a positive experience.

Equipping first-year-in-college students with knowledge and access to resources.

Facilitating first-year student exploration in their academic studies.

Fostering a sense of campus community and belonging for first-year students.

FYE's Values
Teamwork - supporting one another professionally and personally and student leaders in their growth

Collaboration - working with individuals and other campus programs to enhance the student experience

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Student Development, Leadership, Belonging, and Academic Support Programs

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Demetrius Johnson at demetrius.johnson@utsa.edu or 2104583072

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
The University of Texas at San Antonio
THECB Student Success
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First-Year Experience Program
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The First-Year Experience (FYE) program at El Paso Community College (EPCC) provides evidence based transformative holistic advising and wraparound services for First-Time in College students (FTICs). The FYE program integrates cohort instructional models, early alerts and retention collaboratives with high FTIC enrollment courses, peer academic and faculty coaching, ongoing workshops and seminars, case management holistic advising approach, and individualized educational plans. The FYE Program has reformed EPCC’s advising model from a one-size fits all approach to proactive case management. The primary goal is to increase students’ completion rates. The three main objectives are the following:
• To increase FTIC students’ retention rate (fall to fall enrollment),
• To increase the number of FTIC students in good academic standing, and
• To increase FTIC students’ three-year graduation rate.
The FYE Program, through its integrated advising model provides a safety net and a strong foundation for students transitioning to college.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: On average, the First-Year Experience (FYE) Program serves approximately 5,500 students every fall semester. Students advised by the FYE Program have demonstrated a 10% improvement in retention. From fall 2017 to fall 2022, FYE Program advisees had higher rates than non-participants on the following performance indicators:
• 14% higher persistence rate;
• 5% higher percentage of students on good academic standing;
• 4% higher three-year graduation rates; and
• 5% more credit hours earned.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Instruction & Student Success Office

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Sandra Lujan at slujan9@epcc.edu or 915-831-2279

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
El Paso Community College
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Freshman Leadership Program
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FLP is committed to developing the strengths of humble and ambitious first year students, so that they persist at the institution and in making a difference on campus and in the world. Students will deeply understand and explore The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership and the Social Change Model of Leadership. Students explore and analyze varying leadership behaviors and articulate their own values and vision. Student participants also employ an appreciation for other points of view, advancing their own views that guide relationships and decisions while at the university. Students apply observation, conflict management, dialogue and active listening techniques as a means of understanding and engaging with others. This semester-long exploratory cohort-based program consists of 14 workshops students attend as well as a day long leadership retreat. Students must attend the retreat as well as 5 of these core workshops in addition to 10 exploratory events outlined in the syllabus to expose them to the different co-curricular offerings at the institution. Students that successfully complete the program are honored at the end of the year.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Student Orientation, Leadership and Engagement

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Nicholas Hudson, Ed.D. at nicholas.hudson@tamiu.edu or 9563262280

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
THECB Student Success
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Generación STEM
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Recognizing the importance of STEM education in preparing the increasingly diverse generations that will make up the American workforce, this project strives to generate STEM student success at Texas State University (TXST) for Hispanic and Low Income (HLI) students who will become our next scientific and technical professionals. There are four primary activities designed to address persistent challenges in STEM education and career attainment for HLI students. Activity 1 will create a Peer Education Program with Success Coaches that will serve all incoming HLI freshman and transfer students in their first year at TXST who are identified through a predictive analytics factor-specific model as needing high-support during their transition to college. Activity 2 will improve the transfer navigation process and increase transfer matriculation to TXST through creation of a Transfer Articulation and Navigation Center. Center staff will initiate new transfer articulation agreements with 2-year HSIs, produce an online repository of course equivalency guides and other information pertinent for transfer students, and provide direct student transfer advising to facilitate the transfer process. Activity 3 will create a STEM Workforce Advisory Council to build collaborations with STEM employers leading to expanded Co-Op and work-based experiences for HLI STEM students; additionally, a new Work-based Experience Preparatory program will be implemented to provide targeted students with professional development improving their competitiveness for employment upon graduation. Activity 4 will provide professional development in culturally responsive teaching methods for STEM faculty teaching core courses that will enable faculty to make lasting changes to their instructional methods to improve HLI students' success.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Carolyn T. Chang at carolyn.chang@txstate.edu or 512-245-3150

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Texas State University
THECB Student Success
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Generation Jacks (GenJacks)
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GenJacks is a program for first-generation college students, those whose parents or guardians didn't graduate from a four-year university. GenJacks is an extended learning community that provides support and resources to help first-generation students be successful and stay in college.

The GenJacks program provides mentorship, student success courses, academic support resources, career planning, and experiential learning beyond the classroom through internships and community-based projects.

Students who participate in the program have enhanced faculty and professional academic advisor support, higher GPAs, a cohesive curriculum with linked courses in the cohorts, a higher level of student engagement and social belonging, and higher satisfaction with their college experience.

Students in the GenJacks program must:

-attend the Summer Leadership Academy
-participate in the academic learning community and take SFAS 1101 (The New
Lumberjack Experience, a first-year experience course)
-complete career and professional development through SFAS 1110 and SFAS
-and meet monthly with mentors.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Data shows that the GenJacks program increases retention and graduation rates by providing transformational experiences.

The one-year retention rate of GenJacks students is 87% compared to 72% for other first-gen students and 81% for students who are not first-generation.

The 6-year graduation rate of GenJacks students is 76% compared to 51% for first-generation students not supported by the program and 59% for students who are not first-generation.


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Raquel Skidmore at skidmorerr@sfasu.edu or 936-468-6232

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Stephen F. Austin University
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Get To The Finish Line
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Get to the Finish Line was developed to benefit students that are currently attending or have attended Laredo College within the past two years. Students who were forced to suspend their academic coursework due to financial adversity would be targeted beneficiaries of this program. In order to reach a higher number of participants, we encourage students from any major to be part of our program. While many students have exhausted their financial aid awards due to reaching the maximum allowable hours by federal regulations, other students may not qualify for any type of need-based assistance due to their Expected Family Contribution (EFC), but still be financially unable to cover the cost of their classes. These aspects of the federal financial aid regulations do not allow students to complete their education. The funds made available by this program will facilitate the assistance of a minimum of 120 students for one year. The Laredo College Financial Aid Office as well as the Laredo College Student Success Center will play an integral role in this program’s success.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants are automatically enrolled in this program if they meet eligibility requirements

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally and externally collected

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Laredo College Economic Development Center, Laredo College Financial Aid Center, Laredo College Advising & Career Transfer Center, and Laredo College Tutoring Center

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Salvador Sciaraffa III at salvador.sciaraffa@laredo.edu or 956-764-5994

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Laredo College
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Global Leadership and Social Impact
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Our award winning global programs provide students with access to affordable education abroad opportunities in Cape Town, SA; Beijing, China; Mexico City, Mexico; and Dubai and Abu Dhabi, UAE. Over 80% of our students identify as Black (55%) and Latino (25%), thus creating an opportunity to engage international learning with other students of color in some of the most rapidly changing cities in the world.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: https://diversity.utexas.edu/globalleadership/

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: The Division of Diversity and Community Engagement

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Devin Walker at devinwalker@austin.utexas.edu

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
The University of Texas at Austin
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HSI Career Collaborative
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Our mission is to be a convener and a catalyst actively supporting Hispanic Serving Institution students and alumni who strive to launch their careers and achieve a greater impact on the world. To do this, the HSI Career Collaborative informs and connects three critical audiences: talent, HSIs, and employers. The goal of the HSI Career Collaborative is to raise the recruiting profile of HSIs to companies across the country.In raising the recruitment profile, we also increase relationship capacity with companies that may offer internship and other experiential learning opportunities.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)

APPROXIMATE PARTICIPANTS SERVED IN 2021-22: 2680 students across all participating HSIs in 2021-22

HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: https://hsicareer.org

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally and externally collected in the past

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: University of Texas at San Antonio, Career-Engaged Learning

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Mario Vela at mario.vela@utsa.edu or 210.458.6846

Material Type:
The University of Texas at San Antonio
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HSI L.E.A.D.S. (Learning, Experiences, Achievements, Dreams Through STEM) Program
0.0 stars

HSI L.E.A.D.S. Program is designed to provide support and encouragement for Hispanic and low-income students at Temple College (Temple) to pursue high-paying, high-demand, STEM careers in the central Texas region. The Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Education Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI)- Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) and Articulation Programs, proposed to increase the number of Hispanic and other low-income students attaining STEM degrees and credentials using a two-pronged approach to create a culture of STEM that:

1. Starts students in Grades K-12 with STEM coursework and providing supports until degree completion at Temple and/or transfer to another degree-granting institution.

2. Creates a STEM workplace culture through enhanced hands-on STEM activities, increased professional development for Temple faculty, and STEM employer engagement.

Click on the “Learn More for Details” button on our webpage to visit our Google Site for additional information.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Eva Margarita Mungui­a at eva.munguia@templejc.edu or 254-298-8591

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Temple College
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Holistic Exploration of Careers by Hands-on Opportunity (HECHO)
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The Holistic Exploration of Careers by Hands-on Opportunities (HECHO) program is a comprehensive career preparedness initiative that includes hands-on learning opportunities for first generation and economically disadvantaged students. HECHO is a Spanish word meaning “made” or “done.” HECHO at TLU is designed to ensure first generation and economically disadvantaged students make progress toward career preparedness through personal exploration and experiential learning via an asset/strength-based program. This program is three-fold: 1) a focus on personal skills and strengths identification, followed by 2) hands-on career preparedness activities, and 3) faculty training on StrengthsFinder with course integration.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. David A. Ortiz at dortiz@tlu.edu or 8303052412

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Texas Lutheran University
THECB Student Success
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Integrated Education and Training- Contextualized Learning
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The Integrated Education and Training (IET)- Contextualized Learning allows students seeking a high school equivalency credential or English language attainment the opportunity to participate and complete a credential of value that could ultimately lead to a career advancement and/or 'stackable' higher education degrees. The IET skills training leads to a high wage, high demand occupation and runs simultaneously with the GED and ESL program, additionally including a course that is focused on the reading, writing, verbal, and/or math skills needed to achieve and exceed in the training and career field. The IET program allows a student to accelerate the transition between an academic readiness program into workforce preparation training, which ultimately leads to credential completion and employment. The IET program provides tuition and supplies for those that qualify to help Adult Education students transition to a workforce Credential of Value while providing additional academic support to ensure student success.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

EVALUATION STATUS: No data related to outcomes have been collected from this program

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Adult Education and Literacy

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Tiffani Price at tprice@odessa.edu or 4323556891

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Odessa College
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Intercultural Network Mentoring Programs
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The Intercultural Network's goal is to encourage intercultural awareness, inclusiveness, and academic achievement on and off campus. The mentoring component is one aspect of our overall approach of creating a safe & collaborative space for students of color in order to help them successfully complete their educational goals at TCC.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Sean Madison at SEAN.MADISON@TCCD.EDU or 817-515-1002

Student Success
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Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Tarrant County College
THECB Student Success
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Lamar University:  Underserved Populations Initiatives
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Lamar University will be working to assist first time in college students (FTIC) help persist and be retained in their first two years of their academic year.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Office of Retention and Student Success

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Victor Davila at vdavila2@lamar.edu or 4098808439

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Lamar University
THECB Student Success
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Lone Star College-North Harris Mi Casa Es Su Casa (CASA) Empowering Hispanic Students to Connect, Acclimate, Succeed, and Achieve
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Initially funded by a Title V grant for Hispanic-Serving Institutions from the US Department of Education, CASA is Connecting students to the campus community, Acclimating them to the rigors of academic life, helping them Succeed academically, and preparing them to Achieve and compete in college and beyond. The program guides students through the four CASA phases through three initiatives. Information Technology Enhanced Multidisciplinary Academic Learning Lounges (iMALLS) and the Center for Academic Advising and Transition (CAST) are designed to connect students to resources and opportunities to improve academic preparedness while Meaningfully Aligned Targeted Curriculum for Hispanic Students (MATCH) ensures students are receiving best-fit instruction based on proven methods. These three initiatives encompass twelve activities to engage students in research-based programs that facilitate in students a sense of belonging, influence, competence and efficacy. MATCH activities have assisted in increasing the number of students graduating with a degree or certificate within three years from a baseline of 14% to 26%. Hispanic completion was 25%. CAST tutoring and advising activities assisted in increasing the three-year transfer rate of students from a baseline of 6% to 12%. Hispanic transfer was 11%. iMALL activities have assisted in increasing the fall-to-fall persistence of FTIC fulltime students by 7% over the 2014 baseline of 50%. Hispanic student persistence was 61%.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

APPROXIMATE PARTICIPANTS SERVED IN 2021-22: 2,400 as of May 2022

HOW TO ENROLL: All stakeholders have access to most of the activities in this program with the exception of Puente (MI Casa) and the English/Spanish Interpreter Program.

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Lone Star College-North Harris Office of Academic Affairs

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Anne Albarelli at Anne.T.Albarelli@lonestar.edu or 281-618-5784

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Parent/guardian-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Lone Star College System
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Male Achievement Program
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The Male Achievement Program is a student success program designed to promote retention, persistence, academic performance and holistic wellbeing for Black, Indigenous, Latino/x, and men of color. The program is designed to address the needs of men of color by encouraging participants to exceed personally, professionally, and academically. The primary goal is to enable more men of color to successfully complete their education without interruption by providing support services, mentoring, and co-curricular activities.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants are automatically enrolled in this program if they meet eligibility requirements

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally and externally collected in the past


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dina M. Sosa-Hegarty, Ed.D. at dsosa@dcccd.edu or 972-238-6398

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Dallas College
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McNair Scholars Program
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The Baylor McNair Scholars Program aims to prepare low-income, first generation and other underrepresented undergraduate students in acquiring the knowledge, skills and capacities necessary to successfully navigate a path to a Ph.D. program following graduation from Baylor. The program prepares Undergraduate students for the rigors of Ph.D. studies through immersion in research and a variety of scholarly activities.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Student Opportunity & Accessibility Resources

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Steven Fernandez at mcnair@baylor.edu or 2547103916

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Baylor University
THECB Student Success
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