The College Access program is intended to provide equitable access for high school seniors who wish to pursue higher education. We provide a comprehensive framework for access and recruitment of seniors in Tarrant County.
Overview of all sessions conducted at the high school:
TCC 101 - deliver information during either English or Government classes regarding general information about TCC and they can opt-in. Students complete an interest card/form and become part of the cohort group that will complete the steps below to get them to enrollment.
Admissions Application - provide step-by-step assistance with completing the TCC admissions application.
Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) – administer the State-required activity for students who need to take the TSI Assessment which provides students with instruction on how to prepare for the test.
TSI Assessment (administered at one of the TCC Campuses or at the high school) – coordinate with testing center staff to offer an opportunity for students to complete the assessment in the areas of Math, Reading, and Writing, as needed. Students get to test for free.
Financial Aid Assistance – Coordinate presentation with Financial Aid staff to go out to the high schools and inform students about financial aid and scholarship information to include completion of FAFSA/TASFA.
Case-Management/- Interpret TSI Assessment scores and support students throughout their senior year with on-going general advisement and parent information sessions.
Parent Nights (conducted at TCC campus) – Parents are invited to attend an information session and find out the status of their student and what they have completed and what they still lack.
Summer follow-up – continue to communicate with students via post-cards, phone, chat, text, in-person to remind them to complete any of the steps they need in order to register (meningitis, re-test, transcripts, orientation, see an advisor, etc.).
DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.
PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)
PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Historically students who participate in our program have had higher success rates compared to the general FTIC population. Data from the past 10 years show fall to fall retention, on average, is about 11% higher than the general FTIC students; fall to spring about 6% higher, and 4-year graduation rate average is 3% higher.
DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Office of Student Recruitment & Outreach
CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Noemi Vela at or 8175151520