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Maternal-Newborn Nursing
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Maternal-Newborn Nursing introduces students to the concepts and skills related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, newborn care, reproductive health, and social determinants related to those topics. Written and thoroughly reviewed by experienced nurse educators, the material focuses on patient safety, mental health, and inclusive care, and offers robust real-world scenarios and situational patient education experiences to apply concepts to practice.

Maternal-Newborn Nursing builds on the students’ existing knowledge and skills and expands their learning to new concepts and considerations. Students will be able to implement the Clinical Judgement Measurement Model to recognize, analyze, prioritize, create, act on, and evaluate outcomes throughout the many conditions presented across the life stages. The offering integrates core frameworks such as QSEN, and its robust sets of practice questions, unfolding case studies, and additional resources support the Next Generation NCLEX.

Senior Contributing Authors
Amy Giles, Baylor University
Regina Prusinski, Otterbein University
Laura Wallace, Brenau University

Contributing Authors
Leah Elliott, Bakersfield College
Rachel Hill, California State University, Sacramento
Debra Hrelic, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Kelly LaMonica, Penn Medicine Princeton Health
Emily Langley, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital
Rachael Mooney, Northwood Technical College
JoAnn Peterson, University of Kansas
Courtney Watson, Georgetown University
Nicole Wheeler, Wayne State University

Health Sciences
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
Amy Giles
Laura Wallace
Regina Prusinski
Date Added: