Welcome to BRICCS-TX, a Grant Project Funded by NSF Campus Cybersecurity


Building Research in Community Colleges in TX

Welcome to BRICCS-TX, a Grant Project Funded By NSF Campus Cybersecurity 



The goals of the project include the following:

 1) Encourage research at all levels- community colleges and universities 

2) Encourage collaboration between community colleges and universities 

3) Share computing power and cyber-infrastructure solutions - region and state

4) Host three regional workshops

5) Establish a BRICCS-TX HUB on OERTX website

There Will Be Monthly Meetings For Each Of The Following Topics:

1) Research-Challenges and Opportunities

2) Cyber Infrastruture and Cloud Architecture necessary for research

3) Data Access Analytics and Training

  • Please join San Jacinto College in BRICCS-TX (Building Research in Community Colleges in Texas) The purpose of this grant is to build collaboration between community colleges and universities of all sizes in developing research opportunities for all college-going students in all areas of study. 

  • The audience for any of these meetings includes faculty, administrators, librarians, and students who are intrested in one or more of these topics. Individuals will need to register in the OERTX in order to join the BRICCS-TX hub. Minutes and other documentation from these meetings will be kept on the BRICCS-TX Hub on the OERTX website in their own group headings

  • Meetings will include an open forum as well as presentations.

  • Please visit each of the group to keep up-to-date with what is happening and to join in the conversations.

  • Check out this information on page twenty-two; https://www.flipsnack.com/njedge/ed-springsummer2023-vol7/full-view.html This article helps to explain the emphasis is on CI (cyberinfrastructure) and computing data from BRICCS Texas A & M perspective. 

  • Check out this information The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) held in  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from April 7-9, 2025! Follow for detatils https://cur.informz.net/informzdataservice/onlineversion/ind/bWFpbGluZ2luc3RhbmNlaWQ9NDI1NjIxOSZzdWJzY3JpYmVyaWQ9NDQzMDc0Mzgz 



Email Us At: BRICCSTX@sjcd.edu 


Research Challenges and OpportunitiesSecond Tuesday of the Month3:00-4:00 P.M.


 Cyber Infrastructure and Cloud ArchitectureThird Tuesday of the Month 3:00-4:00 P.M.https://sanjac.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkduCqrz4sGdACuJMEBXVGLnbqKXdGxO_0
Data Access and Data AnalyticsFourth Tuesday of the Month3:00-4:00 P.M. https://sanjac.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtd-qoqTwvHdPeUoTWFiKWIQRIIRb25roF




Please take our BRICCS-TX survey, we appreciate the response!




Meeting & Research Topics

Meeting minutes and other documentation from all meetings will be kept here on the BRICCS-TX Hub, located here on the OERTX website in their own group heading. Please click each sub group for more information. Thank you!

Workshops & Meetings


BRICCS TX Monthly Meetings:

  • Research- Challenges and Opportunities: Discussions regarding what challeneges face in devloping research opportunities for their students in all areas of study will be inclued as well as those sharing how those challenges can be overcome. Sharing of ideas and possible collaborations will be documented 


  • Cyber Infrastructure and Cloud Architecture : This group will discuss levels of high powered computing that are necessary for the various types of research. Sharing of possibilities as to how High Powered Computing Centers at Texas Educational Institution can help other institutions with their computing needs will be focus of this group.


  • Data Access, Analytics and Training: Topics such as, How do my students get access to data, How do I teach my students how to use data appropriately, How much training do my students ned to analyze data correctly, What training is are available - will be the focus of this discussion group. Student examples will also be offered.  


BRICCS-TX Regional Workshops

Educational Institutions in the nearby region of the one day workshop location are encouraged to participate.

Student research presentations will also be included.

Spring 2025-Gulf Coast Region

Fall 2025 - West Texas Region

Spring 2026 - South/Central Texas Region



SPRING 2025Friday, February 28, 2025San Jacinto Central College Campus, 3501 Luella Blvd, La Porte, Texas 77571 Transportation Center, C-26.9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.



National Science Foundation

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Building Research Innovations in Community College in TX (BRICCs-TX) is designed to help Texas community colleges prepare their students for reseach and data analytics that is required to be successful both in the workplace as well as in the attainment of higher degrees. It is more efficient and effective if educational institutions at all levels collaborate to share tools and resources, all institutions of higher education have access to the same information.  

The goals of BRICCs-TX are to: 1) encourage research at all levels and in both technical and academic areas at community colleges, 2) encourage collaboration between community colleges and universities in research opportunities, 3) share computing power and infrastructure solutions and opportunities for collaboaration in the cloud and in hardware across the state, 4) host workshops around the state and virtually with research, computing power and cyberinfrastructure as the focus, and 5) work with the THECB to establish a hub on their OERTX website that will serve as a repository of information on research collaboration and cyberinfrastructure supporting research. The project is working with community colleges in various regions in the state, including South Plains College, Houston Community College, and Lone Star, as well as universities Texas A&M and Texas Southern University. San Jacinto College leads a team that exemplifies collaboration and communication to empower students from diverse demographics as better prepared individuals for problem solving using the latest technology available.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worth of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Please report errors in award information by writing to: awardssearch@nsf.gov