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Attainment of postesecondary credentials

The student success programs included in the Attainment of Postsecondary Credentials collection have identified that they are aligned with this goal of the Building a Talent Strong Texas strategic plan for higher education. This goal sets as a target that 60% of Texans ages 25-64 will receive a degree, certificate, or other postsecondary credential of value by 2030.

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Student Needs Center
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The Basic Needs Center is a campus support component within the Division of Student Affairs. The center, which encompasses the Food Pantry, Dress for Success Hub, and the Community Resource Room, are designed to connect TLU students with essential resources that are necessary for their personal, academic, and career success. As a virtual and physical hub of services, The Center is focused on collaborating with on-campus and community partners to meet the basic needs of our students. We provide students with education to connect with resources that will help them to navigate local, state, and national resources in addition to helping support life and crisis situations.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: We have identified some students are impacted by food insecurity, especially students from low income and first generation backgrounds. In addition, students have difficulty navigating existing systems and processes that would give them access to meet their basic and career needs.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Division of Student Affairs, Office of Student Life

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Gourjoine M. Wade at studentaffairs@tlu.edu or 830-372-8052

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Texas Lutheran University
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Student Re-Engagement Service Framework
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South Texas College has developed and implemented a re-engagement program designed to accelerate credential completion among adults with some college hours, but no credential. The program includes targeted marketing and recruitment communications, personalized support with enrollment, scholarship opportunities, and assistance with wrap-around services. Eligible students are connected with the Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement (VIDA) for academic case management and basic needs supports in order to keep students on track towards graduation.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Internal reporting from our Research & Analytical Services Office shows that we are exceeding our program goals, including the number of students re-engaging with the College through our recruitment platforms and the number of students re-enrolling. A recent analysis of students that re-enrolled in the Spring semesters showed a low rate of withdraws and a high course passing rate.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Student Engagement & Completion Services Department

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Tony Matamoros at omatamoros_6284@southtexascollege.edu or (956) 872-2026

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
South Texas College
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Student Success Coaches using a Case Management Approach
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In 2017, Paris Junior College was one of 30 colleges chosen nationwide by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) to lead the Guided Pathways initiative, which focuses on helping students clarify their goals, so that they can enter an educational pathway designed to help them achieve those goals and finish certificates or degrees with fewer excess hours and better preparation for employment or transfer to a four-year institution. Students choose a program within a pathway that aligns with their goals and interests. The Program Map specifies which courses the student should take and in what order, the marketable skills and outcomes and career opportunities associated with that program, and information regarding transfer to a four-year institution, where appropriate. PJC Program Maps are designed to help students stay on track with regard to their coursework and finish certificates or degrees with fewer excess hours. Academic advising is provided to all new and returning students by a Student Success Coach (Academic Advisor). Students are required to use college advising services when registering for their first semester of classes, and students who have not demonstrated college readiness are required to use advising services during each semester’s registration until such readiness has been achieved. Transfer students are also required to work with an advisor to register for their first semester. Students are assigned to a Student Success Coach at the beginning of their first term at PJC. Success Coaches assist students in the selection of appropriate educational programs, the selection of courses and the scheduling of courses. Success Coaches provide guidance and encouragement to ensure students stay on track towards graduation in their chosen academic pathway. In addition, Workforce faculty members assist with advising students in their educational areas.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: All stakeholders have access to this program. As such, there is no enrollment process

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 2020 Almanac shows Paris Junior College student’s average semester credit hours (SCH) to an associate degree at 70, compared to our peer college’s average of 76. The comparison of colleges also shows PJC’s average time to an Associate Degree at 3.2 years compared to our peer college’s average time of 3.6 years.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Advising & Counseling Department

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Sheila Reece at sreece@parisjc.edu or 9037820211

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Paris Junior College
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Student Support Services
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The Student Support Services (SSS) program is designed to assist undergraduate students who are first generation, low-income, or who have disabilities. The goal is to facilitate good academic standing, retention, and graduation of undergraduate students at Midwestern State University. SSS participants receive academic tutoring; advice and assistance in postsecondary course selection; information on Federal student financial aid (FAFSA) programs, including resources for locating public and private scholarships; assistance in completing financial aid applications; workshops designed to improve financial and economic literacy, including financial planning for postsecondary education; engagement in a peer mentoring program; and activities designed to assist participants in applying for admission to and obtaining financial assistance for enrollment in graduate or professional programs. Student Support Services is a part of a nationwide network of TRIO programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The program is open to accepted and enrolled Midwestern State University undergraduates who meet the eligibility criteria. The Director of Student Support Services reports directly to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: https://msutexas.edu/student-support-services/

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Department of Academic Affairs

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Lisa S. Estrada-Hamby at lisa.hamby@msutexas.edu or 940-397-4076

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Midwestern State University
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Student Support Services
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The TRIO Student Support Services program (SSS) at Sul Ross State University is a student retention program funded by the U.S. Department of Education that serves 160 students per year.

The mission of the Student Support Services program is to provide supportive educational services that will assist students with an academic need that are low income, first generation, or have a documented disability to acquire a university college degree.

The program offers academic advising, career/major counseling, personal support, classroom instruction, academic workshops, tutoring, financial aid counseling, new student extended orientation, graduate admission assistance, social/cultural activities, and much more.

The TRIO program at Sul Ross State University actively motivates our students to come into the SSS office to meet with their SSS Retention Specialist, SSS tutors and mentors, and attend SSS workshops as well as participating in University-based activities.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Research and Sponsored Programs

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Erika Zwahr at ewon3902@sulross.edu or 4328378476

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Sul Ross State University
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Student Well-being: Removing Barriers and Increasing Capacity Among Campus Stakeholders
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The goal of this initiative is two-fold: First, to remove economic barriers for students to improve their mental well-being. This will be accomplished by providing technology to students who otherwise might not be able to afford it. This technology will exist in a student space accessible to students who are already served by two of our campus-wide success programs.

Secondly, this initiative will engage staff - with a particular focus on advisors - in training and discussion groups focused on creating equitable and inclusive organizations. The purpose of this is to increase a sense of belonging low-income and students of color experience on our campus.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: School of Undergraduate Studies


Student Success
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Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
The University of Texas at Austin
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Success Coaching
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The Success Coaching Program is designed to help both undergraduate and graduate students develop their academic skills by matching their individual learning style and academic needs with effective strategies to meet their course requirements at UHCL. Students participating in this program have 2 options: requesting a one-time session to work on a particular skill, or meeting for multiple sessions on a weekly or as-needed basis. Students opting for a one-time session are assigned based on schedule and skills requested to an available coach. Students choosing to meet on a continual basis meet first with the Assistant Director to best determine individual academic needs and goals and then meet regularly with a Success Coach. The student's Success Coach coordinates a skill development plan with the student utilizing material from the student's current courses. Students are able to schedule their initial appointment by emailing or calling the office phone. After the student's initial appointment students can then schedule their own appointments at their convenience.

The skills that a Success Coach and students may develop include, but are not limited to, organization and time/task management, academic reading speed and strategy, note taking methods, test-taking strategy, critical thinking, and public speaking. The students' academic progress in these skills is monitored throughout the semester by their Success Coach. Success Coaches also offer students practical help with digital tools such as Blackboard and file sharing/editing in Google Drive for facilitating group work. Coaching sessions are available face-to-face or online via Blackboard Collaborate or Zoom as needed.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: • 77% of students were removed from probation, cont. probation and remained in good standing that utilized coaching.
• Success Coaching was reflective of the ethnic diversity seen at UHCL in services to underserved and minority populations.


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Jorge Tennin at Tennin@uhcl.edu or 2812832454

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
University of Houston-Clear Lake
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Summer Bridge Programs
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Prairie View A&M University offers a high-impact summer experience opportunity to incoming freshmen through of one its 11 meta-major and co-curricular summer bridge programs. The programs are designed to provide students with a transformative beginning college experience through innovative learning support networks that enhances their intellectual, civic, and social engagements. Students can earn up to 12 semester credit hours towards their degree at no charge for tuition, fees, room, and board.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: https://www.pvamu.edu/student-success/summer/bridge-programs/

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: Students in the 2020 summer bridge cohort had an average first-year retention rate of 86%, compared to the university average of 75%. Additionally, the six year graduation rate of summer bridge participants is 58%, approximately 17 percentage points higher than the university average.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Office of Academic Engagement & Student Success

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: John P. Gardner at jpgardner@pvamu.edu or (936)261-5910

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Prairie View A & M University
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Supplemental Instruction
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Supplemental Instruction offers students in gateway courses with high Drop/Fail/Withdraw rates an opportunity for individualized and small-group instruction led by a peer. SI leaders are students who have already taken the course and earned an A. As an SI, they attend the course like a regular student, where their job is to model excellent classroom behavior as a student, including effective note taking. They also serve as peer tutors, and they lead review and study sessions for students.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Students in high Drop/Fail/Withdraw gateway courses that have an SI are automatically part of the program.

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Beverly Tomek at tomekb@uhv.edu or 3615704145

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
University of Houston-Victoria
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Supplemental Instruction (SI)
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Supplemental Instruction is a nontraditional form of tutoring that focuses on collaboration, group study, and interaction to assist students in courses considered "traditionally difficult." SI targets courses with a minimum 30% or higher percentage rate of students who will not successfully complete the course and then provides a trained peer to facilitate organized, weekly study sessions throughout each semester. Primary goals and objectives are to (a) reduce course attrition and improve grades, (b) provide structured, interactively study time with peers, and (c) demonstrate appropriate learning and study strategies that students may integrate into their other coursework.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Students automatically have access when they enroll in a course that has integrated SI into its course design.

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Student Learning Assistance Center (SLAC)

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Lindley Workman Alyea at lindley@txstate.edu or 512-245-2515

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Texas State University
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Susan Harwood and Apprenticeship Programs
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Susan Harwood Grants are awarded to provide training and education programs for employers and workers on the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of safety and health hazards in their workplaces and to inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act. Targeted Topic grants focus on training workers and employers on occupational safety and health hazards associated with one of the selected OSHA-selected training topics. OSHA selected topics vary from year to year and are selected based on fatal statistics, national emphasis programs, and pending regulations. Topics are separated into general industry, construction, and other. Safety is paramount, especially in the warehousing field which employs more than half a million people across the nation. South Texas College's goal is to help to reduce the number of work-related accidents, injuries, and deaths in STC’s service area by conducting training in the Targeted Topic of Warehousing. Today, more than ever, building a strong pipeline of skilled American workers is critical for companies to grow their business and compete in the 21st century global economy. Top companies and organizations are leading the way in developing and training a world-class workforce by partnering with Apprenticeship USA. Apprenticeship USA is a way for companies to document, organize, and showcase their current work-based learning and apprenticeship programs that meet industry and national standards for registration with the U.S Department of Labor. Apprenticeship USA promotes flexible apprenticeship models that can be customized to meet the needs of nearly every type of business and is integrated into existing training and human resource development practices. It’s an employer-driven training model that combines on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction to increase an apprentice’s skill level, opportunities, and wages.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Carlos Margo at clmargo@southtexascollege.edu or 956-872-6109

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
South Texas College
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TAMIU College of Arts & Sciences Intervention Specialists Unit
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The College of Arts & Sciences (COAS) Intervention Specialists Unit aims to equip at-risk COAS students with the necessary tools to succeed in higher education. The COAS Intervention Specialist Unit is dedicated to helping students navigate their higher education career by providing individualized proactive advising (ongoing support through timely and direct communication and in-depth discussions of academic progress, performance, and degree planning), holistic support (identifying external factors impacting academic success of students and connecting students with campus and community resources), and academic intervention (providing opportunities for academic, personal, and career development).

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: College of Arts and Sciences

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Claudia Garza at claudiay.garza@tamiu.edu or 956-326-2488

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
THECB Student Success
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TECHniques Center
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The TECHniques Center is the only program of its kind in Texas and one of only five in the entire nation. A fee-based program, we provide supplemental academic support services through one-on-one, regularly scheduled tutoring and academic counseling for students diagnosed with a specific learning disability, ADD/ADHD, and/or autism spectrum disorders. We individually match students and tutors to provide excellent academic support and accountability. In addition, tutors receive extensive training that leads to their tutor certification through the College Reading and Learning Association. The goal of the program is to help students build independent learning and self-advocacy skills so they can meet their educational goals. To achieve this success, the majority of our students will meet with their tutor five hours per week. This is typically scheduled as one hour per day during operating hours. Students will also meet with their Academic Counselor once per week for 30 minutes. This level of contact helps with content acquisition, accountability, planning, prioritizing, and time management.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/techniques/applicationprocess.php

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally collected in the past

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: The TECHniques Center Program aims to help students with a historically low retention rate (30-60%) due to learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder succeed in college. Our average retention rate semester over semester to Texas Tech University is 97-99%.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Student Disability Services, Texas Tech University

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Sharon Betzold at sharon.betzold@ttu.edu or 8067421822

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Texas Tech University
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TJC Promise Program
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The TJC Promise encourages students at 18 East Texas high schools in the College's tax district to perform well academically in high school and college, while limiting their number of missed school days and promoting community service. Participants sign up for the program in the ninth grade and upon successful completion of the program's requirements, have the assurance that their tuition and fees will be underwritten at TJC for up to two years. This is done through a combination of grants, TJC scholarships, and funds from the Promise program.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Academic and Student Affairs

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Augusta Robinson at Augusta.Robinson@tjc.edu or 903-510-2011

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Tyler Junior College
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Student Success Services (SSS) is a TRIO program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The program’s mission is to help eligible students succeed at Weatherford College (WC), graduate and/or transfer to a university to complete a degree. SSS participants are provided personal academic advising, individual development plans, tutoring and supplemental instruction, financial aid assistance, personal counseling, career advising, transfer assistance through campus tours and cooperative advising with transfer admissions offices, and cultural enrichment. All of these services are provided to WC students at no cost to the student. To be eligible, students must be enrolled at WC, be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., and meet one or more of the following requirements: have a family income within federal low-income guidelines, be a first-generation student, or a student with a documented disability.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: First-Generation, Low-Income or a student with a documented disabilty.

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes have been internally and externally collected in the past


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Maria E Gallegos at maraiza@wc.edu or 817-598-6484

Student Success
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Student Success: Faculty/staff-facing
Student Success: Parent/guardian-facing
Student Success: Student-facing
Weatherford College
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TRIO Student Support Services
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The TRIO Student Support Services program is a federally funded student success program. TRIO SSS serves first-generation, low-income students and students with disabilities. The program aims to increase participants' college retention, graduation, and transfer rates. TRIO SSS offers the following resources to program participants: proactive academic advisement, transfer advisement, academic tutoring, career planning, academic workshops, grant aid (when designated by the department of education), financial literacy and life skills workshops, financial aid assistance, scholarship assistance, mentorship, and cultural activities.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: https://tccdforms.tccd.edu/Forms/TRIOApplication

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally and externally collected


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Trichele Davenport at trichele.davenport@tccd.edu or 8175154266

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Tarrant County College District
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TRIO Student Support Services
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TRIO SSS provides comprehensive support throughout a student’s undergraduate journey. The Program actively helps students transition to the University and navigate the campus’ systems. Our students (TRIO SSS participants) benefit from individualized academic, financial, career and personal success coaching. The Program staff work with participants to assess their needs, strengths, and goals to support and motivate them toward successful completion of their undergraduate college experience. TRIO SSS participants ENGAGE in learning communities, study groups, academic and life skill workshops, and tutoring to enhance their capacity for learning and promote academic, personal, and professional success. TRIO SSS participants CONNECT to other students/participants, on-campus and in the community through social and cultural events, and volunteer outreach to build a sense of community and foster an appreciation and awareness of diversity. TRIO SSS participants are committed to their success. They can SUCCEED through continued advocacy and support in defining and reaching their goals. The goal of TRIO SSS is to improve academic performance, increase retention and graduation rates, and maintain an environment that supports undergraduate students.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Small-scale (reaches fewer than 10 percent of its target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

WEBSITE TO APPLY: www.uta.edu/sss

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally and externally collected

PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES DATA: For 2020-2021 academic year, the program achieved a 90% persistence rate and a 6-year graduation rate of 68%.

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: Academic Success Center, in the Division of Student Success

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Jennifer Luken Sutton at jluken@uta.edu or 817-272-4660

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
The University of Texas at Arlington
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TRIO - Student Support Services
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Western Texas College's Student Support Services seeks to provide 165 participants with an environment that fosters educational and personal growth for low-income and first-generation students and students with disabilities. Following comprehensive, individualized assessment, participants will take part in a Summer Bridge program prior to their first year. After this, participating students receive an array of services including individualized academic and career counseling, one-on-one academic advising, peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, academic support workshops, financial aid assistance, financial literacy/planning instruction, transfer guidance, and cultural enrichment throughout their time at the institution. Student Support Services, augmented by a wealth of supportive initiatives provided by Western Texas College staff and community representatives, ensure the continued success of participants.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: Participants must apply to enroll in this program

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally and externally collected


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Emily Powell at epowell@wtc.edu or 325-573-8511

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Western Texas College
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TRiO - Student Support Services
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For over two decades, the TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) program at Frank Phillips College (FPC) has promoted student success by helping students to overcome the barriers that might otherwise prevent them from achieving their goals. This federally-funded Title IV program serves 165 students annually who are first generation, low-income (as defined by federal income standards), and/or are students with a documented disability or impairment. The primary goal of the TRiO SSS program is to give our students every possible tool to express their full potential here at FPC and beyond. We offer a variety of services aimed at increasing students' chances of success, including (but not limited to) academic advising, tutoring, financial literacy education, assistance in filing for scholarships and financial aid, peer mentoring, career and transfer assistance, and grant aid for qualifying students.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format or has both online and in-person components.

PROGRAM SCALE: Medium-scale (reaches between 10 and 25 percent of its target population)

DEPARTMENT(S) OVERSEEING PROGRAM: We are our own department and answer to the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs.

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Jen Cobos at jcobos@fpctx.edu or 806-457-4200

Student Success
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Student Success: Student-facing
Frank Phillips College
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TSTCYou Performance Based Education
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TSTCYou gives students access to flexible learning through Performance Based Education (PBE), which provides a competency-based approach with targeted benefits:
• Greater accessibility to their program of choice: course content is available in an online or hybrid format and students can set their own schedule within the semester.
• Potential of cost savings by virtue of a tuition-free subscription rate: in this program, the more classes a student moves through, the lower the cost
• Increased interaction with instructors: as students work through course content, meet with instructors one-on-one through online meetings, enhanced lecture, or in lab through hybrid program opportunities.
• Self-guided course completion: train around the student's schedule and goals using TSTC's pacing tool as a guideline.
• Flexibility and ability to accelerate through courses: a student can get ahead to allow more time to dive deeper where needed, or move quickly through the concepts they understand and complete courses an""d their program ahead of schedule.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program has a hybrid format.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)


HOW TO ENROLL: All stakeholders have access to this program. As such, there is no enrollment process

EVALUATION STATUS: Data related to program outcomes are currently being internally collected


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Robyn Burwell at robyn.burwell@tstc.edu or 325-235-7415

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Texas State Technical College
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