All resources in TAMIU OER Fall Learning Series

The Seven Years' War: battles and legacy

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The first years of the Seven Years' War didn't go well for the British (even though 22 year old George Washington was in command!). Then they decided to spend a lot of money on winning the war -- and they succeeded! The only problem was how to pay back their debt . . . maybe some new taxes on the American colonists?

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Kim Kutz

Slavery in the British colonies

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In all of the British colonies in North America and the Caribbean, slavery was a staple of the economy during the period from 1607-1754. In this video, Kim discusses the ties between the environment and slavery, the rise of increasingly restrictive slave codes, and the overt and covert methods by which enslaved people resisted the dehumanizing nature of slavery.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Kim Kutz

Social consequences of revolutionary ideals

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The rhetoric of the American Revolution, which emphasized that "all men are created equal," led many to question existing social norms in the years after the Revolution. The ideals expressed by the Founders influenced the expansion of voting rights, the gradual abolition of slavery in the North, and a new role for women through republican motherhood.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Kim Kutz

Spanish colonization

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In the years after Columbus's first voyage, Spanish adventurers known as conquistadores began to colonize the surrounding areas of the Caribbean and the Americas. In this video, Kim explores the social changes that Spanish colonization created in the New World.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Kim Kutz

Strategy of the Civil War

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The strategy of the Civil War for the Confederacy (the South) was to outlast the political will of the United States (the North) to continue the fighting the war by demonstrating that the war would be long and costly. The Confederacy also hoped to entice European powers such as the United Kingdom to assist them against the United States in order to protect their cotton supply. The strategy for the United States was to surround the territory of the South in the Anaconda Plan, blockading the Atlantic Ocean and controlling the Mississippi, to keep goods from going into or out of the South and forcing them to surrender.

Material Type: Lesson

Authors: Kim Kutz, Sal Khan

The US Constitution

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The US Constitution established three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial. In this video, Kim discusses how the Framers employed the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances to limit the power of government.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Kim Kutz