August 04th, 2022

Carrie Gits added A Study on Open Educational Resources and Their Potential for Use at Texas Colleges and Universities

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Aug 04, 08:54am
August 01st, 2022

Carrie Gits added Open Educational Resources (OER) in Texas Higher Education, 2019

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Aug 01, 04:35pm

Carrie Gits added Module 9: A Look at OER in Texas

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Aug 01, 04:34pm

Carrie Gits added Advancing an Ecosystem for Open Educational Resources: OER in Texas Higher Education

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Aug 01, 04:34pm
July 21st, 2022

Liz Tolman added Marketing OER Programs to Students

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Jul 21, 08:36am

Liz Tolman added Texas Toolkit for OER Course Markings (a living guide)

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Jul 21, 08:35am

Liz Tolman added Marking Open and Affordable Courses: Best Practices and Case Studies

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Jul 21, 08:34am
July 12th, 2022

Anthony Palmiotto removed Lesson

from Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Jul 12, 11:14pm

Anthony Palmiotto added OpenStax OER Toolkit

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Jul 12, 11:05pm

Anthony Palmiotto added SLIDE Practices for Creating Accessible Documents

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Jul 12, 11:00pm

Anthony Palmiotto added POUR Principles: Vetting for Accessibility

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Jul 12, 11:00pm

Anthony Palmiotto added Accessibility Toolkit – 2nd Edition – Open Textbook

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Jul 12, 10:59pm

Anthony Palmiotto added ISKME Accessibility Checklist

to Creating Meaningful and Memorable Learning Experiences Through OER - on Jul 12, 10:57pm