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Texas Southmost College

This collection features student success programs and initiatives at Texas Southmost College.

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Capitalizing on Scorpion Assets
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The purposes of Capitalizing on Scorpion Assets are the following:
1. Implement new customer relations management and early alert systems
2. To facilitate students' access to basic needs through campus services and community-based organizations, which will be centrally hosted, so students have direct access to wraparound supports
3. To facilitate more student and faculty engagement and interaction, a student area will be converted into a student-faculty engagement center so students can signal when they need assistance

These service are open to all students at Texas Southmost College.

DELIVERY FORMAT: The program is in-person only.

PROGRAM SCALE: Large-scale (reaches more than 25 percent of its intended target population)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: 62% of the students who participated in the supplemental instruction passed their coursework.

We have 13 CBOs vetted by TSC leadership:
- VIDA: Education Benefits
- SOMOS: Mental Health/Counseling/Parenting Skills
- Su Clinica: Wellness and Social Service Connections
- Elks Lodge #2876: Veterans and Children w/ Disabilities
- Communities in Schools Cameron County: Education & Social Service Connections
- Healthy Communities of Brownsville: Career Services
- Whoop Connect: Access to technology to help with school
- Veteran Females United: Support Services


CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Dr. Angelica Fuentes at Angelica.Fuentes@tsc.edu or 956 295 3573

Student Success
Material Type:
Student Success: Student-facing
Texas Southmost College
THECB Student Success
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